Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Shed today…. Little farm break …


Staff member
Planted 100 trees with shovel & got my sprayer down to farm which was 4 hours on road on this RAINDAY (too wet) & took some time off to hike the forest. I love being in the forest. Found this dude I know well in maybe 30 mins. Knew it’d be in this Tsi I did. Really good young deer. If he lives a while more- yikes. Good to take breaks & get some major quiet time with nature & God’s great outdoors.


The cedars you have moved for screening do they show some sort of transplant shock afterwards? Turning brown at all, and will they still survive?

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Cedars almost always survive. Unless the ones they send u haven’t been stored right. Or things like drought, etc. Road screen - 2 rows would be ideal. Stagger but they can be close. 5-10’. Want them to fill in thick.

Think that buck is 3. It’s bigger than looks.
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