I think with a serious post where you actually have to think, everyone envisions their own little scenario, for me i figured if im spotting this buck i figure he must be a 150+ class deer however on the first day i realize he wont make 150 but in the low 140s, by not wanting to miss the rut, i would definitely say he needs another year to grow, so then the first week of november rolls around, same buck walks by, i would say to myself it isnt even full rut, im not gonna miss the rut for him a 190 could walk by any minute, so i pass, then i envision shotgun season is over, the deer are spooked like crazy, i got the whole late season to hunt, i hunt every morning and everynight for around 20 days straight, starting to question my sanity, then this 140-150 class comes strolling in on the last evening, he looks like a MONSTER, i havent seen a buck over 115 all late season, this is definitely the one im taking, and it would be over like that, and i would be tickled to death to have taken him. I dont know about most of you but a 140 class buck is a great buck, i know many of you have shot them and its one i would shoot anytime from around thanksgiving on till the last day of the season. with all the smaller bucks i passed on that season, most would become a 140 class buck the next year, and all ones bigger i seen, would definitely be just as big or bigger the next year, taking one out wouldnt hurt a thing. plus the fact that i mainly hunt public land and dont have my own land to monitor and control a QDM plan really isn't that feasible. Ive never shot a deer on the last day of the season yet, but if it was in the last half hour and i had a bunch of does around and small bucks i would take a doe without a doubt, but even if a small buck came in those final minutes, most likely I would of reflected the whole season in my mind and realize i had a great year, and i would start to get depressed, and start being on iowawhitetail for endless hours to feed the crave of whitetails withdrawals when its over in a half hour, most likely instinct would take over and i would shoot without even realizing what was going on. then when it comes about this time of year, when i reflect the season and think in my mind all the deer harvest for the previous years, that last one, the most rescent would be a vivid image in my mind and i know i would just kind of smile and say only 77 days 7 hours, nine minutes and 27 seconds as i post left till i can experience it all again, and i would always have my last day of the deer season to look back on whether, it be doe, small buck or a 140 class buck they all excite me just the same, when i let that arrow fly. If i ever lose the enthusiasm of taking a doe, or a small buck occaisionally, or the thrill of the hunt, or if i ever let other peoples opinions driving me to only shoot big mature deer which i know you guys arent like that, but ive seen many older hunters where i hunt just cut down people about how they should of not taken that deer when the hunter is totally psyched about harvesting their buck, then i mines well quit, okay is it time to hunt yet