I run a Elite 3200 3-9X40 doa 250 bone collector with 3.5-5 inches of eye relief. Never comes close to my face. If your getting scope eye, you need a scope with more eye relief or a better fitting stock.
As I said in my post above about sighting in, I sighted in my muzzeloader last year pulling down too hard on my tripod without knowing it. I got great groups. I ended up having to make a really fast shot on a buck in late muzzy at 160 yards letting the gun sit on the tripod not holding the forend. Buck was completely broadside and I hit him straight the neck. I was so confused. I killed him, but not how I wanted. Went out and shot holding the gun down as I did sighting in, it was dead on. Shot again as I did on the deer, just setting the gun on the tripod and leaving the forend alone, letting the gun recoil naturally and hit a foot left consistantly. Thats where I learned to be careful on how to sight your gun in.