Short Morning


PMA Member
Had a crappy first season. Took my old man to my 'secret' spot to try to give him first shot on a bird just like last year. Had one flydown and come in to about 20yds and he clicked his safety off really loud and the gobbler spooked. We didn't have any luck the next morning and the last two days it down-poured all day. This morning I sat against a tree only a couple of feet away from where my dad and I sat opening morning of first season. There was one tom roosted infront of me probably 75 yds away and hens all around me and a couple almost right above me. Toward flydown, I started mimmicking a hen yelping from another tree. Two hens flew down out to the field on the other side of the tom and I thought maybe he was going to flydown out there also ( I was prepared with my stalking fan though :grin:). I've been taking the fan on a stick with me for probably the last 3 or 4 yrs and haven't had to use it yet. Anywho, at 0543 the tom flew down straight at me! For a second I thought he was going to land with-in feet but he plopped down at about 10 yds right infront of where my barrel was already pointed. He was on the ground maybe 2 seconds before I shot. Only a two year old, but I'll take him!

23 lbs 8 oz
13/16 spurs
10 1/8 beard

Sometimes ya just gotta love a 2 year old bird!!! They aren't old enough to be senile & unpredictable yet. Well done! :way:
Congrats on the bird! Gotta love it when things go as planned and you get to tag out at first light!