Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Shortage of bucks?

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There are fewer mature bucks. There are a lot more bowhunters and some of them need to stick two or three for every one they recover. And, if you shoot them when they are young, well.......
Central Monroe county WAY DOWN. Population in general is off at least 60 %......I run about 17 cameras on 2 farms. ( crazy, I know) Only 1 mature 6.5 yo buck on 180 acres. Seems like all the older age classes (4.5 +) are absent. Doe pop. down significantly also. EHD, aggressive doe harvest, late season rifle has taken its toll. Sure hope we don't get a severe winter.....could take years to bounce back.
Thats the thought of everyone biebs ;) nah, just messing... however, like I said in an earlier post, I saw tons of young bucks... I had a ton of mature deer on trail cam to never see them during the season... I saw one of about 10 that I had...
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