I shot a big one tonight halloween, however the shot was back. I shot him at right at 630. I watched him walk off real slow with his tail tucked and slightly hunched over. He was between me and my truck so I decided to take the long way around back to the vehicle. Now its about 45 minutes later and I've made the big loop around. Now I'm probably 350 or so yards from were I last saw him. I'm walking a trail up hill and silhouetted walking towards me at 20 yards was him. My quiver was in my pack so no second shot. He walks off. I get out my flashlight and find a little blood and some gut type stuff. I plan on picking the trail up in the morning. I know I should look.near water and there is a small almost empty pond about 200 yards from where we met paths as I was walking out, so ill check there. Any other advice? Thanks guys.