New Member
So tonight, I was sitting in the stand, and had a wide 4x4 buck come to 22 yards. I took a shot with a Hoyt Katera (70lbs draw), Gold Tip Arrows and Muzzy MX4 100 grain broadheads. Shot was taken at around 5:00pm, and he was quartering towards me...below is my arrow, and also the hunting area.
I found the arrow, it was right where I shot the deer, complete pass through, some bright pink blood around the wrap, hair, also some tissue/meat, and some green/brown slime. The arrow smells horrible, and blood dried quickly off it. There was no blood trail for 20 yards, no signs of me hitting him (other than me finding my arrow). We looked around for 20 yards or so, which lasted the last 30 minutes of light...and found nothing. After pushing my Dad's deer last year (and never finding him after that) I decided to back out, and wait until tomorrow.
1. What/where do you think I hit? (see description and arrow pic).
2. Where do you think he might have ran? I was sitting in the northern stand...and he ran south. The only thing I know he didn't do is run to the east. Due to being in the pine trees, I could only see him for about 30 yards...
3. Do you think I will find him??
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