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Shot help? quickly


Well-Known Member
Well, I had a buck come running into my grunt call tonite, I hit him further back than i wanted to. He walked around, chased a small buck, and then stopped, standing there with his head down, tail flickering..I watched him for about 25 mins, his tail stopped flickering and his head was just hung really low. Do you think this deer is dead..I shot him at 4:50 tonite...and its now 7:10..I am going to go in at 8 and look for him
I agree with muddy. seems like too many people underestimate how tough deer are.
Wait until the morning!

Chances are if you go in tonight you will jump him and may never see him again but if you wait til morning he should be dead within 200 yards ... don't take a chance.
Man you need to reply to this thread to make sure we know you are still at home! Sleep on it, sounds like you definitely hit him in the old watermelon.
He will still be there in the morning and like Onecam said only a few hundred yrds away from impact.
Dont learn the hard way like I did and go jump him and it took me 4 days of looking and looking for crows and vultures to pinpoint mine in the middle of a CRP field last year.
DO NOT look for that deer tonight! Wait for the morning to look for him. If you do come up on him bedded in the dark you won't know it until it's too late.
Well put your itching somewhere else
It is also a lot easier to look for them in the daylight.

Buddy hit one last week, and he watched it bed down 75 yrds from his stand, he backed out and there he layed the next morning after started looking for him at 9am. Hunt in the morning and kill a doe or 2 and then go look for him.
Glad to hear you waited, try to get a good nights sleep and maybe go look for him around 10 or maybe even noon. A buddy of mine had a similar sounding shot at pretty much the same time. We went in at 9 and bumped the deer, even after 15 hours! We gave him till noon and finally found the deer at 1 pm. Patience is the key right now, good luck.
I shot one Sat. afternoon at 38 yds. and hit it 5-6 inches further back than I wanted, it ran about 30 yds, then walked away slowly. I waited until it was out of sight, then climbed down and got the heck out of there. Went back Sunday morning and found him about 350 yds. away in the river. ALWAYS WAIT, I'm sure if I would have went after him Sat. night, I would never have found him.
well, its morning now at about 10:00... he would probably be dead by now... i would think
tell us how it goes
UPDATE: Well, I went in at 7 this morning and was looking all over with my binoculars. I had to go in before I had to go to work, we had cable that needed to be plowed in today. But, I never saw him where he was last standing, I went to that area, and there was no blood, no nothing on the ground. So now I am more worried. I pry wont get out to look for him till tonite and perhaps tomorrow morning again. But I am confused that there is no blood or anything where I left him standing at...any thoughts?
Did you find the arrow? How did it look/smell?

How about at the impact area, what sort of sign is there? Best place to start is the begining.

Maybe you didn't quite stand where he was when you last saw him?
Well, the arrow indicated a gut shot, no way around it...And he side was full of blood and material when I last saw him...I really didnt have a lot of time before I had to get to work, and am going to do a really good search tonite.
Well, I personally hate trying to do any tracking at night, it's so damn easy to miss the details. At this point he's probably dead so you won't bump him, maybe get your trail sorted out and head back in at first light when you can see better. Good luck.
I wanna thank all of your for the suggestions. All of you guys are always the best knowledge that I have. I am going to in tonite and get my backpack out of the tree, and look at the beginning of the trail. I wont do to much tracking, and I will let you guys know details as soon as I can..once again, Thanks
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