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Shot help? quickly

Probably will not find much blood on the ground if a gut shot.Look on any cover about the height of the wound that he might have brushed up against and go towards any water source if any on your ground.Good luck!
I have learned this the hard way twice and won't let my impatience get the best of me again. I would absolutly agree with everything that has been said if you don't push them the won't go real far end of story. My dad gut shot a deer two years ago a real monster we know the deer was able two survive about 30hrs because we saw alive that long after the shot. I really believe that had we let him lay he would have stiffened up and not moved from where he had layed down. We still don't know what happened to the deer we are pretty sure that someone else is enjoying the deer. Patience is the key two finding a gut shot deer.
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