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Should I let these two walk another year?

Those are both really nice bucks and they still have a month to grow. I guess you can make your decision when one of them walks under your tree. Test your restraint levels a bit...but have an arrow nocked and your release clipped on.
Rack said it well, last year my restraint level only made it to about 90 inches of horn.
But really these two I don't believe would be in the restrain category.
Do you have photos of those bucks last year? Again, they are nice bucks, I just dont think they were booners last year or this year. Dont take that the wrong way.
But, they are great deer.
Shooters for me...they look like some dandies and aslong as they are 4.5 but if a 150" 3.5 year old walked by I'm not gonna let him make it...I'm just not that advanced as a hunter yet!!
I just dont think they were booners last year or this year.

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That wide ten will gross in the 170s, he might not net it but he is a booner in my book. That other one would get whacked just for the mass.
Either one of those walked through a shooting lane and you pass you are crazy. Those two are going to be pigs.

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