PMA Member
This is Jax my GSP. He'll be five this month, and is my first dog. Couldn't have asked for a better friend! He's whistle trained, holds hard points when he's on top of a bird, and false points when he's anywhere downwind from a bird. I guess he's got a good nose. He loves swimming, and I've thought about using him duck hunting. I don't think if be able to handle the process of force breaking him stay still that long. And he's too skinny for the cold water. Over a year ago he developed a large lump on his side. Come to find out it was the seed of a Canadian rye or some other type of upland plant. We got it out, but there must still be a piece in there, as he's had a small lump that migrates around wherever the foreign body goes. But it doesn't slow him down at all. Anyone else have experience with that happening? I talk with a PF guy, and he's lost a dog from it. Love this dog. Now I just need a silver lab for duck hunting.
His first bird!
Sometimes sad when I leave.
New Years Day hunt this year. His best performance yet.