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I know that's a strong post. I love hunting as much as anyone I know, I am sure my website and the amount of time I spend hunting will prove that as well. (and where ALL MY MONEY GOES!!)

BUT, last season I was at my wits end. And after season I "took a break" by not watching 1 hunting video since and just doing other activities which is always good.
I think it built up from this...
I got my hunts messed up by idiots about every other time I went out, everything from walking past my stand half before dark, hunter sitting in my stand, cutting firewood next to me in peak rut, tresspassers, etc, etc.
I also just got sick of all the commercialization of hunting, I think the videos - or long commercials for hunting products, guys who own 2000 acres claiming they are just like me- got to me.
I am re-juvinated after a long break from hunting, I love it, will make some changes next season BUT wonder if I am alone here for whatever reason?????
From the second I get up to the moment I fall asleep I think about hunting. Last night I dreamed about shooting a turkey in nebraska. So I NEVER get sick of it. I do get worn out doing it though.
I never get sick of it! Its what drives me, but i will say everyone around me hates hearing about it, or see me reading about it, oh well, sure beats sitting in a bar, or sitting on my ass watching sports all weekend. Glad to hear your back in the game though, hang in there.
I can understand the frustrations. Been there, experienced that.

Sometimes I ask myself the same questions about all the gimmicks/products/$$$/time/etc...then something "nature" seems to happen and I forget about it all. Like a bird flying over, or a squirrel pestering me, or the farmer's dog chasing 15 does and a booner by my stand. THINGS HAPPEN, and I've learned to not be so serious...I still set high expectations to keep me motivated, but hunting to me, especially bow hunting...is my released from this rat-race they call life(the 40 hour work week)...and I'm fortunate to be limited to just 40 hours, I feel for those who bust their butts working twice as many hours. At times I still get upset, because that's just my personality...but when I stop to think about things, I realize I don't have it so bad and I tell myself at least I was fortunate enough to spend some time in nature.

I always try to find something worth remembering on each sit, and find myself always looking forward to the that next thing.
I had an ugly feud going with a neighboring property owner last fall. The guy was a complete tool...and it really made me mad that he was doing all he could to ruin my leisure time. Somehow I was supposed to feel guilty for hunting ground adjacent to his because he had invested time and money into his own ground and I was the new kid on the block.

I made it a point to thank him for building such a strong herd when I shot my best buck to date. The stunned silence followed by his red-hot steaming ears was great.

I can't wait for next season.
I know I have to step back from it now and again. I definitely have my saturation point. Timing is everything to me...I don't want to hunt my butt off in October just to be burnt out for the rut. I would rather be pulling my hair out wanting to go in October than to be frustrated in November and miss the best part. For instance, I didn't start shed hunting till March 5th, it killed me seeing the nice sheds these guys were posting on here in early February but I knew I'd get burnt. Thats how I handle it.
I'm more along the lines of THINKING RUT. I have to step back and take in other enjoyable things in life. I have many more passions than just hunting and I couldn't do it every day of the year and be a complete person. That said, I love the feeling that I have whenever I pursue any of my passions and there is something special to me about spending a weekend in the deer stand or watching my dog point a bird.
I had a dream last night about shooting a doe, and then realized in my dream that it wasen't hunting season..... dream poaching....
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: THINKIN RUT</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I know I have to step back from it now and again. I definitely have my saturation point. Timing is everything to me...I don't want to hunt my butt off in October just to be burnt out for the rut. </div></div>

I know what you mean by being burnt out by November. Done that a couple times. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif I like to mix in small game hunting to break things up. By the time the middle of January rolls around I do look foreward to a break in all the action. A good recharge before the gobbling starts.
I look at every year as each month having certain outdoor opportunities, I welcome them all big or small. For me some are more fun than others, but it's a nice way to move through each year. A-lot of activities can be narrowed down to a certain week of the year they are best experienced. I plan my calender accordingly.
March is always my slowest month, never really been a hard core shed hunter. This year I'm going to ad "ice out" catfish to my list.
I felt the same way last fall. I was hunting basically thursday-sunday mornings and evenings from mid-Sept to November 20?. I was getting so frustrated with just the number of deer I was seeing by the middle of October. Seeing zero deer on multiple sits really gets me down because I just like to see something while on stand. Of course Im always going for a mature buck, but its nice just to see deer sometimes. Not seeing deer along with problems with the guy that lets me hunt really made it for a bad season. I was starting to get limited to where I could put stands and couldnt shoot any does.

At this point I just want to own my own land. Manage it and do whatever I can to make it better. Im so sick of the people that change during deer season because they want all the big bucks to themselves. I could care less if someone I knew shot a big buck in the area I was hunting, I'd be happy for them. Plus the WI DNR is pretty upsetting also. They have no idea what they are talking about. Kind of sad that our top DNR officials were appointed by our Gov., who is giving the positions to his buddies. AHHH now Im done venting...I feel better /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
Like what was said before, everyone has their saturation point. You can get sick of it, but it doesn't mean you hate it. Everyone needs a break from it every now and again. When you notice you aren't that excited anymore come September/October then I'd say start looking for a new hobby.

I agree with you on the hunting on TV. I'm sick to death of it. Most of those people don't pay for a single thing they use/wear/drive/hunt on, while the average joe goes to work sick, skips things he shouldn't and busts his butt just to save up enough money and vacation time to hunt during November...

I guess that's life though...
I've always told myself that "If I ain't sick of it at the end of the season, then I haven't hunted hard enough." I definitely am sick of it for awhile and need to step back for a month or so. After that, the fire is back and right now I am dying for fall!!!!
I'll bet some of you guys are like me in this respect ... tonight after work I went to the chiro to get my back cracked and while he was working on me he starts talking about deer killed this year. It made me realize that it seems almost everyone locally that knows me thinks of hunting when they see me. It happens all the time. Sometimes I get sick of it because it'll be coming from people that aren't really hunters at all. If my wife and I go into the bar for supper someone always comes up to us and asks us how are season went, what I've measureed, etc. While writing this I decided that I actually should be pretty flattered. I guess its a better reputation to have than what some others have. I do get alot of pride out of knowing that most folks think this way of not just me but my wife and son as well. We live for hunting. Again, while writing this I realized there isn't really a day goes by when some aspect of hunting isn't talked about in our family. I guess we never get sick of it without even realizing that its consuming us! No wonder some of our relatives think we're crazy!
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I've always told myself that "If I ain't sick of it at the end of the season, then I haven't hunted hard enough." I definitely am sick of it for awhile and need to step back for a month or so. After that, the fire is back and right now I am dying for fall!!!!

GT - that's a pretty good way to look at it. I would always rather be a little burned out than regret that I did not hunt hard enough during the season.
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