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sighting in nikon scope?


PMA Member
I just baught a 3x9-40 Nikon Buckmasters Scope. I got it mounted on my rifle and tried sighting it in. It is shooting about 6 inches to the left so i followed the specs and adjusted properly. However, the scope is not changing. I have shot about 10 rounds or so and the scope has adjusted none. Any ideas on what could be going on here??? thanks
I know of 3 guys with the same scope that has had major problems with them. I have also heard when they return them, there has been many problems with them. Not sure what's going on, but it could be the scope. Nikon is a great brand, so it just seems wierd to me, but I know I will never own one.
What kind of base do you have? Also have you tried switching ammo? Reason i ask because i had the same problem, different brand and i had a adjustable rear base that cabelas put on for me. That kind of fixed the problem. Next it was the ammo that was throwing me off, i would hit close to the center and the next 5 would be way off, i was using a shooting rest, went from winchester supremes, to federal fusions and that did the trick. Also a quick was to bore site is put a good bulls eye target about 25 yrds out and remove your bolt or receiver mechanism and bore sight it by eye. Get the bulls eye as centered in your barrell as possible and then line your scope up with that. It will get you very close if you dont have a bore sighter. I am cheap so that is what I do and it saves time and $
You might try loosening the rings and turning the scope 45 degrees. I know a guy, who in his haste, put the scope on 45* off. With some of the caps they have now a days its easy to do. We shot, and shot and shot but it just wouldn't dial in. Until we noticed it was mounted wrong. Good luck.
I have that scope on my encore and I love it!I had no trouble sighting in and I'm shooting out to 150 yd's accuratly.You might not have something tightned up right or maybe you just got a dud.If you bought it new I would take it back or get ahold of nikon to see what they will do.

I have that scope on my encore and I love it!I had no trouble sighting in and I'm shooting out to 150 yd's accuratly.You might not have something tightned up right or maybe you just got a dud.If you bought it new I would take it back or get ahold of nikon to see what they will do.

Really bro "BOWHUNTING IS MY ULTIMATE ADDICTION!!!" we have the same addiction...hope we can hunt together.
I would double check rings and bases before returning scope. But just like everything else out there you could have got a lemon.
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