Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Sightings from Stand (11/29 - 12/6)

Yesterday (Monday), I saw a lot of action. I saw deer both morning and evening. Morning, I saw nothing big. Evening, I had tons of action. I had a big (bodywise) mature buck and what looked like an up coming buck chase does around. This happened for I don't know how long. Then, I happened to catch a glimpse of a buck moving from my right to left.. light was fading fast.. As he moved past ( he was probably 120-180 yds )away) I could see he had a nice rack... I looked at the right again and thought maybe, just maybe, he was my number one.. I thinking he was my number one. I don't think I saw this buck all year. It getting pretty dark. So, I could be wrong but it sure looked like he had a big typical rack..

Anyways, he continued on even though I threw a couple doe calls at him.. Fun night..
Sunday hunted 8-3:30 with good movement, saw a "shooter" at 2:30 pm, but under my other stand 100 yards away.

Work will keep me out of the stand this week so I mailed in my Bow Hunter Survey last night.
Not from stand...but did see 2 bucks chasing a doe through my backyard this morning. This is a great time for a big buck to be out cruising, also see a brute you have never seen before.

These couple weeks are always the time we see the most "new" big bucks on our property each year.
My early split bow is done, sat Sat. afternoon and all day Sunday, saw a big 10 on Sunday with a bad limp but he didn't come closer than 50 yards through some thick brush. Tough and frustrating season for a lot of reasons, but that's bow hunting. I'll be out late split with the bow and muzz.
Well ran up to my MN property this afternoon for a hunt over the standing beans in the snow. Hadn't hunted up there since Nov 2nd. Wouldn't you know about 15 minutes prior to legal I see a 160" main frame 10 pt with split brows coming toward me chasing a doe and fawn, grunting up a storm. I figure the doe and fawn were going to run the logging road right off the beans and go by less than 20 yards...would have been nice! BUT, they cut in the woods about 38 yards away, the buck was coming straight at me and then cut in right where they did leaving me no shot! Wow! More snow coming and colder, I think I will have to hunt tomorrow night!
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