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Sigourny Ia 276 deer?


New Member
ok so the guy i work with told me that his step brother shot a monster 276 score deer in sigourny.. Has anyone else heard anything about this or have any pics at all? thanks guys...
you have the best source of info right there at work with ya! get the story and a pic r two and get them on here man!
seen the pictures of it yesterday it is true whitetail archery in agency has the pictures and it was from bow season
Pics of the 276 inch sigourny buck...




I was told the deer was taken in sigourny.. Come right from the guys step brother.. He has more pics on his cell phone of the deer the day it was shot... I'll have to see if I can get those from him also... A monster of a deer tho...:way:
Good lord, how do you compose yourself with that mega buck walking by! Congrats to the hunter!!!
That is one spectacular deer!
I dont see 276 inches there though. A ton, but not that many IMO. Congrats to the hunter, WOW!
yep those are the pictures from agency and no it didnt get taken by the dnr either-jealous people starting stories
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Dnr is still looking into it due to the fact that they can't produce a body to the deer. So at this point idk what's going on with it for sure.. I do know that it has a white dnr number and tag on the rack.
ive known about the deer since the day it was shot.its been dead for a long time.the deer could have been eaten by now.but this gets started with every giant deer that was shot.
Found out today there's another buck just like this one in the same area.. Would love to muzzle load down there...
Wow poaching rumors start up with every big deer on this sight.You about have to have the hunt on video and the local dnr agent doing the filming for no one to question your kill. Take the thread southern iowa giant for example, theres almost 70 posts on that thread and 60 of them are people arguing about if it was legal or not.
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