PMA Member
I've had the smoker fired up the last two weekends. Who's hungry! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Post your BBQ pics here!
Deer hind injected with Italian dreesing wrapped with bacon.
Wild Turkey injected with Italian dreesing wrapped with bacon.
Deer hind and 2 pork shoulders on the smoker!
Wild turkey after smoking 6 hrs.
Pork shoulders after smoking 12hrs.
Last weekends chicken hinds and pork loin and smoked beans!
The kitchen!
Deer hind injected with Italian dreesing wrapped with bacon.
Wild Turkey injected with Italian dreesing wrapped with bacon.
Deer hind and 2 pork shoulders on the smoker!
Wild turkey after smoking 6 hrs.
Pork shoulders after smoking 12hrs.
Last weekends chicken hinds and pork loin and smoked beans!
The kitchen!