If you plan on doing a lot of them in the future it's pretty easy to do yourself if you have the right stuff. Skin the head and remove as much meat as possible. Then boil it for an hour or two. Every now and then you can remove it from the water and try to get more flesh off. Needle nose pliers come in handy for removing some of the stuff. A power washer also comes in handy. You have to be a little careful around some of the nose bones tho. After the skull is clean, let it dry for a day or so. Then boil it again for an hour in water and 1 liter of hydrogen peroxide. It should be pretty white. If you would like it even more white you can buy a product called magnesium carbonate, i get mine through van dykes taxidermy supply. You mix this powder with hydrogen peroxide until you have a toothpaste like substance. Then you paint this on the skull with a brush and let it sit in the sun for a few days. Then rinse off the paste and your skull will be very white. If it is boiled too long at any point and some of the bones get a little loose, they can easily be glued back in to place. If you don't plan on doing many of them the $100 a taxidermist might charge is less of a hassle. After you do a few of them it gets much easier tho.