Cart here. Hauled many a deer with it. Buy one with a low center gravity and wheels set out.
I DO NOT like gutting deer in the timber
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Just wondering your reason for not liking to gut in the woods. I've seen deer walk right by gut piles and other than maybe stop and smell a bit, they don't seem alarmed. At least by the guts......
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I agree 100%! I have had a lot of people say the same thing and I think it may not effect them. So I guess here is my only reasoning. As spooky as big bucks are, you just never know how much Human scent is getting into those piles as well(for instance barfing from a stomach pop, or spiting when a blood splat hits you face.) I think younger deer walk right by and couldn't care less. But IMO which I have been told by many I am wrong on this, is that a BIG mature ole buck will steer clear of that area for a bit! I think if walking in and jumping a big guy off his bed is enough to make him change patterns or areas, gutting a deer in his home area would certainly spook, run off, or at least alarm him!.. Just my thoughts!!
So I usually drag em way out or down to a river and discard the remains.