Sledgehammer #2


PMA Member
Tonight I closed the deal on Tom number two. After getting busted this morning trying to put the stock on a group of toms, I changed my luck no decoys, no blind, no calling. I setup on a food plot and waited until they hit the field. After a half hour of watching these birds work closer and closer, I couldn't take so I low crawled 10yrds closer and put the TK2000 on him at 40yrds. The smoke was so thick I couldn't see him drop, after the smoke cleared I could see he was doing the dance.
10.5 inch beard
3/4 inch spurs

I forgot to add the bonus to this hunt
20,000 mosqito bites and getting into the poison ivy.
Nice Work John Boy!!!
this is your first year isnt it???
well done
Yeah, I got hooked last year in Nebraska when you called in those Three Tom's we couldn't kill. That gobblin gets your blood going.