Well-Known Member
It’s been 6 years since I’ve shot a buck. Enough said!!! Today I managed to harvest the buck I’ve been after for the last 3 years. Before tonight, I had only laid eyes on him once and that was this year during bow season. At about 2:15 I hopped into a simple pallet blind my son and I made. It was overlooking a new plot that we had just put in this fall…due to budgetary constraints, it was only cereal rye. I didn’t have super high hopes, but was happy to hunt. My son and brother in law were in a homemade bale blind an overlooking a brassica plot south of me. At 3:30 a little half rack came in and left which was fine by me…didn’t need any extra eyes to pick me off. At almost 4:30, I could hear footsteps to my west….not a spot I expected a deer to come from. Next I faintly see a rack and face, but dense multi flora rose kept me from getting much of a look. A couple more steps and my heart nearly explodes…it’s him and he’s in bow range!!! He angles into the plot and stops at 15 yards and I wasn’t ready at all! I thought, it’s now or never, raise my gun and he starts trotting up the hill to the west. I quickly stand as the rose bushes were preventing a shot. I kept thinking, “be ready, he’s going to stop”. And low and behold, he did, and he turned broadside at 50 yards. Somehow, I managed to make the shot. I took a moment to compose myself And put him down for good as the first shot hit him in the spine. I got out of the blind and walked up to the ghost of the farm, as I got near him, I fell to my knees and started crying…it’s been a long buckless spell, and closing the book on an absolute stud of a deer was more then I could handle. He’s a mainframe 10 with 4 stickers, great beam length, and mass for days! A buddy taped him out when I got home. 182 4/8”….easily my biggest buck and I got to share the moment with my son and brother in law.