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So I'm taking the bowhunting turkeys dive...with questions.

For years now I've had people telling me I need to bow hunt turkeys. My biggest thing holding me back has always been the chance of crippling the birds. However, I'm so dialed in with killing them with a shotgun with 30-40 dead birds under my belt that I could use a challenge. I just about only use a double bull blind anyway as I like to film. So I've been doing a bunch of youtube research on where to shoot these birds on their bodies. I have a stock of the old style rubber ring rage 2 blades to shoot does with that I bought off ebay I'm hoping will work. If I wasn't sitting on a stockpile of rages I'd probably try to bullhead them.

So what do I need to do different than a gun hunt? Move jake decoy from my preferred 18yd gunshot to 10yds(OMG that's going to feel close for my nerves)? With it being that close one probably needs to wait for the bird to show me his backside or a fight to break out with the decoy before drawing? What is your preferred body shot angle? I like the thought of aiming between waddle and beard on a facing me shot. I own a double bull dark horse, thinking I'll need to open the main window up more so I don't clip the blind. Perhaps worry a little more about what I'm wearing as far as black stuff. So what am I missing? Any thoughts. And yes I over think the heck out of this kinda stuff.

I'm not worried about not shooting a turkey that I could have shot with the gun or missing one with the bow for that matter. But if I arrow one and watch him run or fly away and don't recover the bird I'll quit this idea in a hurry.

Any thoughts or chatter much appreciated!
Try a search here on IW through the archives. I know this subject has been well covered before, complete with good pics on where to aim, etc. Good luck.
Have you thought about head hunting with Bullheads?
Put your decoys 8-10 yards out and enjoy the action. The birds are so focused on the decoys you can draw your bow anytime. Let him settle down and Smack him.... big rush but you can miss them at 8 yards somehow I know that senecio but its a kill or a miss.
I would second Ishis advice. Put the decoys out at 10 yards, if the birds come in, they are so focused on the decoys I’ve made all kinds of noise drawing and prepping for the shot and never spooked one even at 10 yards. I would recommend shooting from your blind of choice at a target at 10 yards. There are some tough positions
sometimes depending on your window openings when the target is that close. I prefer broadside and aim right for the center. I usually use an older rage head that I’ve killed a Doe or two with. I find the birds seem to travel a shorter distance before expiring if the arrow stays in. Lastly, be prepared for an ADRENALINE RUSH!

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Put the blind in a so that you can maximize darkness in there and then open the matrix horizontal window quite a bit. I have almost hit the blind several times

I am with muddy 5-10 steps for dekes, I like the Jake facing toward the blind at an angle. The proper shot broadside is higher than you think, study it well. Fully fanned out and facing away is actually a good shot.

Everything else same as normal turkey hunt. Enjoy it
There is an old saying about bowhunting turkeys "hit them high watch them die....hit them low watch them go". Their is a horizontal line in there feathers right above the top of the wing. Shoot them on that line at center mass or the Texas heart shot would work!

Agree with above about putting decoys close...I usually step off 6-8 yards from the primary shooting window. DSD jake is killer! I'm sure there are others that work as well, but since we bought one (now have 2 so my son and I can both use them) we've rarely had an adult tom see it and not come in. Sometimes almost seems unfair ;) Rage broadheads will work perfectly. Get a tom locked up on your deke and you can do jumping jacks inside your blind without worry of being seen (minor exaggeration). My favorite shooting angle is coming straight at me...aim for where the beard comes out of the chest, and if you hit your mark, you won't have to worry about tracking him. I was in your position a number of years ago. I always bought the "combo" tag and ended up taking the boom stick because, when push came to shove, it was almost easy. Buy the archery only tag so you don't have the choice. You'll likely eat some tag soup, but once you shoot one with your bow your desire to shoot one with a gun will decrease dramatically! Also, take Daver's advice and look up threads on aiming points for different shot angles. Solid information. Good luck!!
Agree with above about putting decoys close...I usually step off 6-8 yards from the primary shooting window. DSD jake is killer! I'm sure there are others that work as well, but since we bought one (now have 2 so my son and I can both use them) we've rarely had an adult tom see it and not come in. Sometimes almost seems unfair ;) Rage broadheads will work perfectly. Get a tom locked up on your deke and you can do jumping jacks inside your blind without worry of being seen (minor exaggeration). My favorite shooting angle is coming straight at me...aim for where the beard comes out of the chest, and if you hit your mark, you won't have to worry about tracking him. I was in your position a number of years ago. I always bought the "combo" tag and ended up taking the boom stick because, when push came to shove, it was almost easy. Buy the archery only tag so you don't have the choice. You'll likely eat some tag soup, but once you shoot one with your bow your desire to shoot one with a gun will decrease dramatically! Also, take Daver's advice and look up threads on aiming points for different shot angles. Solid information. Good luck!!

Thanks for the info NWBuck I hear you on the DSD Jake. I've been using the DSD knock off Dakota jake coupled with a DSD hen for around 5 years now and it has been the biggest game-changer in my 20 some years of turkey hunting. I've been recently watching my turkey videos on youtube and pretending I'm armed with a bow instead of a shotgun. Man is this going to be a challenge. Seems like most times the tom walks one circle (if that) around the decoy then the fight is on. If your board you can see what I'm dealing with here.....https://www.youtube.com/user/IAtaxidermist/videos?sort=dd&view=0&shelf_id=0

I believe the time to shoot them is going to be when they first get to the decoy. Where as before some hunts I just let them fight/hump the decoys for fun.
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Good stuff there...looks like you're in a good area! And yeah, I agree about shooting them before they attack the deke. I'd also add that I'm not a fan of shooting one in full strut unless he's facing me. Go get 'em, and good luck!
Good stuff there...looks like you're in a good area! And yeah, I agree about shooting them before they attack the deke. I'd also add that I'm not a fan of shooting one in full strut unless he's facing me. Go get 'em, and good luck!

Although I have not done it myself, I believe it is considered a good, killing shot on a strutting tom to zing him right up the ol' bunghole. You certainly would have an identifiable, umm, aiming point. :)
One point to bring up that hasn't been addressed is getting after the bird quickly. Several years ago I shot a tom with my bow who did a backflip upon getting hit, and laid there still as can be. Celebrating in a blind at 15 yards instead of getting out and grabbing the bird led to said tom getting up and running off to not be recovered. Turkeys have a great ability to get into the nastiest stuff and hide pretty well to die. Like everyone else has stated enjoy it! It's truly a rush to get a bird to commit at that distance.
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