1. Always have a back up plan in case 6 out of state squirrel hunters are going to hit the public woods at first dawn that you plan to hunt.
2. Hang permanent stands in spots you know will be good. No sense in carrying equipment a mile and a half every day.
3. The first time a release fails on the range throw it away.
4. Have a hunting buddy that realizes its not okay to arrive a half hour late than the designated departure in the mornings.
5. Sleeping in the cab of a pickup in a public parking lot overnight gets cold.
6. Coffee gives me the *&^*&^S.
7. Just because a spot looks good on an aerial, doesn't mean that it is. Walk it before hand.
8. Pick, mark and trim all trees you plan on possibly hunting throughout the season.
9. Poision oak still sucks
10. Don't have a baby on August 30th