Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

So, yeah walked out to the stand I was going to hunt...

That bear is obviously a small one and less than 300# as all those stands have weight limits of 300#. Just go up and kick him out of it! LOL He just a baby.
Looks like you need to make sure you put your stand in a live tree. I would hate to see you get hurt overlooking that one important rule.
Could have been worse stand could have been stolen.

Been there, done that.. My 1st planned hunt last season resulted in me getting to my tree in the dark, but no stand to climb into. That pretty much sucked.

Sorry for your luck, TH. Go sit next to that gut pile with a rifle and shoot some yotes..
I have a stand on the farm back home that I'm worried that the tree will give way...needs to be moved so this is a good reminder.

Sounds like a rough day, keep at it.
Bummer! One of my favorite stands was in an elm tree out in the middle of a fence row. It was the only tree between two big timbers and a good funnel. I hated to see that tree die. The day it blew over I was sure glad I had taken my stand down!
I'm not such a big believer in LUCK. That 1st stuff sure does suck though!!!
YOU need to fix the problems & ain't gonna get fixed until you take some TRAIL CAMERAS & HIDE THEM REALLY WELL 10' UP & NAIL TRESPASSERS. WORKS LIKE A CHARM!
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Problem is, I can't control trepassers on other peoples land. Just ours, they won't let me. Because they don't want a bad name for reporting somebody. The only thing I can do is report them if they're hunting out of MY stands. Problem is, nobody will stop these guys because it's nudged right up to town.
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