Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Some Canadian Monsters


Active Member
Thought I'd share some of these photos of some more brutes taken in Alberta this fall. The first one is supposed to gross 213 with a 31"+ inside spread.

This one rerportedly grosses 225

I don't have any info on this big typical 6x7
Wow, mercy, what can I say, those are some truely bick bucks. Thanks for sharing with us.
That's it....I'm movin' north!!!


P.S. That "picket fence" rack in the third picture has me in awe
Wow, I never thought I would go anywhere else for a shot at whitetails but I might have to give our northern neighbors a visit.
Those are amazing deer. See if you can get some info as to the score of the 13. If he was even we would all be hearing about him.
I'm moving to Canada too.
How much are nonresident lic. up there? Sure looks like it would be worth it! Thanks.
Hey Sasksguy, Iowa Whitetail should put you on a retainer. You are an IV drip for all of us monster buck addicts using this site. Log cabin trophy room, wood stove, cold beer and 6+ year old deer! OOh what a rush!
Not much info on these north of the border bucks, just got thier pics off a local site but thought they'd give someone beside me a big buck fix.

This one I know grossed 195 or so.

Nice Buck.
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