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Some weekend plot work


PMA Member
Went up to my dad's in WI this weekend and we got some plot work done on Sunday. Turned up a couple small spots and planted some 4010 Field Peas from Welter's. Now to hope for a good rain. It was pretty dry up there...especially in that sandy soil.

Dad turning up a rye plot with the plow

Soon to be the "Pea Patch"

Here I am flattening things out with the tiller

An overview of existing corn and beans. Beans need to get sprayed with herbicide yet.

Secluded spot that's gotta get something stuck in the dirt soon.
Sweet!! Wish I had that plow!!

Thanks for sharing Travis your going to have some killer plots going there! :way:
That last little plot looks like it will be a great slayin' hole! Good luck!

Yeah, its a jungle on 3 sides of that plot, arm size poplars, grapvines, ferns, and blackberries. The side the pic was taken from has a narrow path through the "Jungle" about 100yds long and that leads into the main field of corn and beans. Dad's supposed to be putting the trailcam on there this week. Pretty good trail coming down through there.
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