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Something Green


New Member
Planning for next year, I would like to know what the deer are hitting right now. Beans and Corn would be best, but I am talking about something green.
Just bought in Northern Missouri, just south of the Iowa line. Farm is 2/3 woods, 1/3 hay field. So at this time of year, there isn't much for them. I have more time the later it gets, and I believe it could be a very good late season spot.
So, What do you have that is being hit right now? When did you plant? Or should I do what it take to get beans in there?

Your best bet would be to plant the dbltree rotation. split your green plot in half and plant brassicas in one part and dbltree mix in other and then rotate the following year. OR split into thirds and add beans and then rotate every year. Look at the dbltree section of this forum and you will get all the info you will ever need. If your fairly new to plotting then follow the instructions closely and youll have some great plots for late season.

In my experience when you get a warmer late season such as this you cant have enough brassicas and rye. But if it gets pretty cold the beans will be the best bet.
In a “normal” year, not sure much would be “green” right now. Maybe clover/alfalfa.

Watched Midwest Whitetail yesterday and Winke commented that he will be planting a lot more sorghum next year for late food plots.

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My rye is green as we speak. Only thing I see green at the moment besides clover.

Dbtree rotation is good advice.
Great advice above...I agree with all of it. I had good deer activity last weekend on a rye/clover/peas (Dbltree mix) field. With the temps remaining relatively warm, the field was still quite green and drawing deer. Also, I agree with the idea of the sorghum(milo) in addition to the "greens". Normally, I have corn and beans too, but I never got any corn planted with the super wet spring and then by the time I got any beans in I had a puny crop there as it got too dry for them in the summer. So I have nothing in the way of corn and beans this year, but the rye and milo are keeping me in the game.
What county did you buy in? How big is the hay field and how steep?
Size of the food plot may dictate a little of what you do, as well as slope. Do you have equipment to plant?
Thanks for the replies. By Green, I ment something besides row crop, corn and beans. Usually easier to put in with less maintenance and time.
Not new to foodplots, I'm from Mn and We have low deer numbers around me. Here I plant a variety of different things, the deer just walk through it to get to the beans and corn I leave.
My plan is to have someone come in and row crop the 50 acres of hayfield. it does lay fairly well, not too steep. I'm not sure if I will get someone in there this year or not. Either way, I want to get in a big plot this year, about 3 acres or so.
Thanks for the replies. By Green, I ment something besides row crop, corn and beans. Usually easier to put in with less maintenance and time.
Not new to foodplots, I'm from Mn and We have low deer numbers around me. Here I plant a variety of different things, the deer just walk through it to get to the beans and corn I leave.
My plan is to have someone come in and row crop the 50 acres of hayfield. it does lay fairly well, not too steep. I'm not sure if I will get someone in there this year or not. Either way, I want to get in a big plot this year, about 3 acres or so.
With 3 acres I would look into the dltree rotation. Food for all year long
Planning for next year, I would like to know what the deer are hitting right now. Beans and Corn would be best, but I am talking about something green.
Just bought in Northern Missouri, just south of the Iowa line. Farm is 2/3 woods, 1/3 hay field. So at this time of year, there isn't much for them. I have more time the later it gets, and I believe it could be a very good late season spot.
So, What do you have that is being hit right now? When did you plant? Or should I do what it take to get beans in there?


Congrats on your purchase . If you are doing any late season hunting... sorghum is a good option
Back in the mid-90s, we had a 3 acre corn plot on some flat black soil, surrounded by CRP switch grass. Foot long ears, wish I could have yield tested it. It got pounded by the deer and come the first weekend of December, a person couldn’t have hand picked a bushel of ear corn. The deer population was much higher then, but from that experience, some type of mix would probably last better.

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Yes, it is pretty slim pickins in minnesota. Although, ive had some luck in the last few years. I only hunt when theres something worth chasing.

Sorghum, Never tried that. Whos had luck late season with that? Its fairly easy to grow? Will it produce enough grain to last through Dec. into Jan.? I wouldnt think it would be hit too hard until later in the season.
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