Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Sons first deer



Took my 9 yr old son Austin out for his first deer hunt this year.The deal was if he kept his grades up and practiced regularly with my muzzleloader I would buy him a tag.He pulled A's and B's and burnt more powder practicing then Ive probably shot in the last 3 years

Second morning of early muzzleloader season we were trying to get to our spot right after daylight when a deer showed up.It was walking fast across in front of us and I made sure he had the gun on it, when he said he was ready I bleated with my mouth, the deer stopped and KA_BOOM.He made a 90 yrd shot right through the front shoulder, the deer managed to go about 20 yrds nto the switchgrass, even though it only went 20 yrds t still took almost an hour to find it in that jungle

Way to go Austin, congratulations on your deer harvest. Shooting those does is very important, keep up the good work.
Great shot young man.Nice looking deer.IT MAKES FEEL GREAT THAT A YOUNG MAN CAN WORK HARD AT SCHOOL TO ENJOY THE GREAT OUTDOORS. Glad to see a dad that hard work and good grades come first.
the first deer you shot will stay with you forever. every night before i go to bed i always think about my first. way to go on your grades. i get grades like that!!!
Very good deal . My Boys have had similar experiences so I know how good it feels . Congrats to both father and son. 90 Yds good shot Austin.
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