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Sorting Pictures


Wondering what you guys are using for sorting/organizing pictures. I use Picasa but was told by a buddy he can’t get it because they don’t make it anymore. Just curious if there is another simple/efficient way to sort pictures as you look through them. I’ve always used Picasa so don’t know what to tell him.

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I put card in, go to “view” & choose “extra large icons”. Kinda looks like this. I scan through tons until see bucks, etc. works great. Any pics I wanna keep- I save em in that year’s folder & add a letter or # to the name of pic so it doesn’t start to get duplicates over the year. Works well for me and part of any Microsoft software.

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I didn't care for Picasa and uninstalled it. I have an older Scan Disk Image Mate card reader that I like. I create a folder for the date I pull the card before downloading and clear the card. I then open that folder and toggle through the pics as I jot down the pic numbers I want to keep then delete the unwanted pics in large groups. I then rename my keeper pics. It can be daunting when you have a 1.000 pics no matter what you use.
Google photos and use albums. Free unlimited storage. Accessible from any PC or your phone. Works slick.

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I use Reconyx BuckView Advanced software and really like it. I think you can dowload it free on their website. I'm not sure if it works with all brands of cams but it works with Brownings, Exodus and of course the obvious. You can create watch lists and tag photos for easy reference. In addition to tagging specific target deer I create a watch list of up and coming deer making it easy to look back at prior years when trying to follow and age bucks. And one of my favorite features is there is a start and stop button which automatically scrolls through pictures at the speed you choose. No more mouse clicking to see every damn picture!!
I’ve got 130 GB of pics on an external hard drive. Went through most of them to delete bad pics ( camera misfires, blurred moving critters, etc). I have used Microsoft OS features for the most part, File Explorer is the current version. Reading through this thread looking for a better option, but doubt there is a hugely better option.

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I do similar to Sligh. Set up folders for each camera on a flash drive, subfolder in each for years, then subfolders in those for date range (named with dates and location). Then look thru pics from SD card and drag and drop to the appropriate subfolder. I also have separate folders called Bucks 20XX to copy a good pic of each older buck (don't bother putting spikes and forkies) into for quick looking, instead of trying to remember what date the pic was from. This helps to also see when most activity was for the year. Not a perfect system, but works for me for now.
Pulled cards today from cameras that were out since last August. Do you put them in the 2019 folder or 2020? Do you sort by growth to shed as the time period?

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Pulled cards today from cameras that were out since last August. Do you put them in the 2019 folder or 2020? Do you sort by growth to shed as the time period?
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I sort growth to shed in same time period - I file those under 2019.
I do similar to Sligh. Set up folders for each camera on a flash drive, subfolder in each for years, then subfolders in those for date range (named with dates and location). Then look thru pics from SD card and drag and drop to the appropriate subfolder. I also have separate folders called Bucks 20XX to copy a good pic of each older buck (don't bother putting spikes and forkies) into for quick looking, instead of trying to remember what date the pic was from. This helps to also see when most activity was for the year. Not a perfect system, but works for me for now.

I do it a bit different - I have a diff folder for each year and inside there have a folder for each buck. So if I go to my 2019 folder it has each buck that frequented the farm in their own folder and every picture I've ever gotten of them (to an extent) inside that folder. It helps build patterns on certain bucks. By looking at a picture I'm able to tell where it was taken on the farm so I don't necessarily need to know what camera it was taken from. I have a weird memory when it comes to antlers, lots of wasted brain cells some would say. haha

Inside each bucks folder I put sort them by date taken and name each picture 2.5 - 2018 (1), 2.5 - 2018 (2), etc. Then 3.5 - 2019 (1) and so on. There's an easy way to do the renaming on a group of pictures on a PC but I'm not going to attempt to describe how to do it on this post. Google will help you if you're curious :)
I do it a bit different - I have a diff folder for each year and inside there have a folder for each buck. So if I go to my 2019 folder it has each buck that frequented the farm in their own folder and every picture I've ever gotten of them (to an extent) inside that folder. It helps build patterns on certain bucks. By looking at a picture I'm able to tell where it was taken on the farm so I don't necessarily need to know what camera it was taken from. I have a weird memory when it comes to antlers, lots of wasted brain cells some would say. haha

Inside each bucks folder I put sort them by date taken and name each picture 2.5 - 2018 (1), 2.5 - 2018 (2), etc. Then 3.5 - 2019 (1) and so on. There's an easy way to do the renaming on a group of pictures on a PC but I'm not going to attempt to describe how to do it on this post. Google will help you if you're curious :)

That's a good idea to have a folder for each buck. I never seem to see much of a pattern, but this could help. At what age do you typically start noticing it's the same deer from year to year? Seems like a lot of 1.5 - 2.5 yr olds could be any of the 3.5 yr olds.

Pulled cards today from cameras that were out since last August. Do you put them in the 2019 folder or 2020? Do you sort by growth to shed as the time period?

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I set my folders up for "Fall 2019 - Spring 2020". So I get velvet to shed.
That's a good idea to have a folder for each buck. I never seem to see much of a pattern, but this could help. At what age do you typically start noticing it's the same deer from year to year? Seems like a lot of 1.5 - 2.5 yr olds could be any of the 3.5 yr olds.

3.5 seems to be easy to begin to tell a buck apart from others year after year, some bucks 2.5. What's hard is those basic 2.5 8s... so many of them and they all look the same. Really hard to tell which one is which the following year unless they have some physical feature to tell them apart. Ears and different coloring on their face/body help a bunch.

I do have a "Misc" folder for bucks that aren't super regular or are young bucks and odds of them showing back up next year are 50/50. That way down the road if a buck is 3.5 and starts showing up regularly year after year I can refer back to the previous year or two years "Misc" folder and see if I can recognize the buck in his younger days. That doesn't happen very often but has in the past! Here's an example:

This buck showed up in 2016 regularly (the second pic from the left in each of these three series of pics). Had a hard time telling his age and we passed him that season. 2017 a similar looking buck shows up, same pattern, but rack changed slightly... wasn't sure if it was the same buck but was able to look back at previous years pictures and see the double notch in his left ear. Buck got passed again. Them 2018 a 10pt shows up, didn't register with me to be the same buck looking at his rack but the pattern of where he was showing up and again the double notch in his left ear told me same buck. I then went back to my "2015 - Misc" folder to see if I could find any pics of a buck living in the same area with any similar ear damage, of course the ear may not have been damaged at that time... but I believe I found a picture of the buck when he was 1.5. Buck ended up getting show by a neighbor in 2019 at 5.5. Keeping organized pics helps me waste time doing stuff like this. lol


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