Be here Now
I posted this already- but for those who dont follow my "from the stand" thread- I thought you would like to see this
Saturday I let a relative from out of town come and hunt off one of my food plots in Ringgold county- he text me around 9:30 and said he had just taken a woulded buck with his muzzlelaoder- not the giant he was hoping for but was doing the right thing. I get down and come help him drag it out and notice right away this isnt a normal whitetail deer. I honestly didnt believe it at first because I havent heard of a Mule Deer being shot in this area- I would believe western Iowa- but this seems to be a long way to travel. None the less I text the photos to my DNR buddy and he confirms what it is. A south Centra Iowa Mule deer!!
Troy (who shot it) said he is going to have it professionaly caped out and saved and he will give it to me- I think a rare kill like this- would be a shame to have that cape just get thrown out- so my question is- what to do with it? How weird would it be to see a mule cape with a huge set of whitetail shed antlers shoulder mounted???
Saturday I let a relative from out of town come and hunt off one of my food plots in Ringgold county- he text me around 9:30 and said he had just taken a woulded buck with his muzzlelaoder- not the giant he was hoping for but was doing the right thing. I get down and come help him drag it out and notice right away this isnt a normal whitetail deer. I honestly didnt believe it at first because I havent heard of a Mule Deer being shot in this area- I would believe western Iowa- but this seems to be a long way to travel. None the less I text the photos to my DNR buddy and he confirms what it is. A south Centra Iowa Mule deer!!
Troy (who shot it) said he is going to have it professionaly caped out and saved and he will give it to me- I think a rare kill like this- would be a shame to have that cape just get thrown out- so my question is- what to do with it? How weird would it be to see a mule cape with a huge set of whitetail shed antlers shoulder mounted???