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Posts: 8
Originally Posted by archery95
This thread has gone on a lot longer than I thought it would.What it all boils down to it...If a legit hunter shoots a deer and its all legit he would be more than willing to step forward and prove it.If there is a problem or something is fishy about the kill he will sit back and say "prove it".
I personally know a guy in s/e Iowa that has killed 18 B&C bucks..everyone in the world knows he didn't shoot a single one of them legally.Everyone in Iowa has heard his name but no one can catch him red handed.So is he innocent of it or just a good enough poacher to not get caught.
If this guy shot the deer legally he should step forward and shut the haters up.Untill then take the abuse he desreves.
This may go beyond absurd. I defy you to "prove" any one of your deer were taken legally. (assuming you have killed a deer) If you cant, do you deserve abuse? How does one go about proving something like that?. I killed a great buck in November with my bow legally. However, I know of no way that I could prove that to you beyond a doubt. Do you??? This is beyond ridiculous. I am not taking sides as I really dont care about the deer in question or the hunter. But, this finger pointing and asking for proof is quite juvenile. Sounds like the kind of reasoning and argument my sons used when they were in gradeschool.
Well said, Huntemup.
I once killed a great deer. I heard the odd rumor that some idiot started. I didn't owe any of the such people that started coffeee shop gossip, Jack Squat!
Myself, friends, family members and landowners and neighbors all knew the truth. I could have cared less about the jokers who didn't even know who I was but decided to spout off some crap.