Whats the difference in shooting a buck with a rack or one that dropped its rack. I dont get it alot of ppl are on here complaining about deer numbers being down should be thankful they are shooting shed bucks not does.
Theres a lotta difference. Bucks, escpecially big ones arent just another game animal in Iowa, theyre a commodity.They generate millions of dollars across the state each year in different ways.At the state level the resident either sex tags cost more than doe tags for the most part.Non residents pay much more for either sex tags than they do for doe tags.Even the fines for illegaly taking deer are based on antler size.
Trickle down from this is huge, farmers count on money coming in from leasing thier land to hunters, much of what used to be worthless ground that couldnt be farmed is now expensive and desirable as hunting leases or its bought outright for hunting.Nobodys going to pay that much for a prime doe hunting spot.Outfitters, taxidermists, local outdoor stores, etc... all count on deer hunters as a huge part of thier income.And the majority of these people are trying to kill a once in a lifetime buck.
I could go on but I wont.Every buck without antlers thats killed potentially costs the state thousands of dollars and costs hunters the oppurtunity to take that deer when hes had a chance to mature and show his true potential.With the doe population getting lower all the time it increases the odds every year of more and more shed bucks mistakenly being shot.
Kill most of the bucks off as well as a large portion of the does and Iowas just another state that used to be a good place to hunt.