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Soybean row spacing and population

U can buy lower qty’s if u want or just split a jug with someone.
I mix with gly & 2,4-d at burn down. The label will have all the details though. I’ve used general tank cleaner & rinsed a few times but I Spose if a guy wants to follow label right…. Sure is an option.

To cover it all…. There’s actually a gazillion other options too so pick what works best for your situation….View attachment 129328
Skip, I’m sure you’re seeding brassicas, rye, ww etc. into your beans when they start to yellow…just want to confirm that Fierce XLT doesn’t work so well/long that it could hamper that?
FIERCE XLT is your herbicide.
A big bowling ball sized bean is your seed … plant earlier & get a longer maturity bean. Our Pioneer friend will get you the right bean!!!
Skip -
I spoke with my Pioneer guy this morning and he's recommending Enlist beans - P40Z57E He said some guys are even putting a little AMS on their beans.
Skip, I’m sure you’re seeding brassicas, rye, ww etc. into your beans when they start to yellow…just want to confirm that Fierce XLT doesn’t work so well/long that it could hamper that?
Non-issue. I’ve used it for years & it’s long gone. Now- if someone is nervous about any traits of a herbicide…. Just look for an alternative u like better. They all have +/-‘s…. Weeds they cover is the biggest. Cost is really a non-issue as they save so many post emergent sprays & increase yield. Basically- pick a mix that has 2-3 groups in them. See above. Or - buy individually what you want. Like a bunch of combos of these: s-metolachlor, spartan, firstrate, metribuzin, valor, pursuit, etc. See the chart- the first on the list are single herbicides. The bottom 2/3rd is premixed that contain several of the individual ones. A guy can say “I have issues with THESE____ weeds” & make cocktail accordingly. Just have a broad spectrum of weeds covered…. Like grasses to big seeded broadleaves (cocklebur for example) to little seed broadleaves (pigweed, waterhemp, etc).
Kind of a debate in recent years about post spray effectiveness in narrow row, canopied beans vs 30" beans where soil and weed leaves are visible. Whatever side of that coin you're on, having pre's on and overlapped is paramount. Killing tough needs like waterhemp when they're small is crucial, also.
I have seen the same results with beans. My largest plot is beans this year. They were wiped out by middle of January.

The variety of beans is a really interesting one. I've seen different varieties be hit or miss. 100% up tapped I agree. I've planted the RWW beans in past and haven't noticed a considerable difference in palatability. I have heard from other on enlist beans. Both ways good and bad. I think it may have something to do with what we are spraying down for pre emerge or what we are spraying on beans post emerge. I've had good luck with Syngenta beans.
Kind of a debate in recent years about post spray effectiveness in narrow row, canopied beans vs 30" beans where soil and weed leaves are visible. Whatever side of that coin you're on, having pre's on and overlapped is paramount. Killing tough needs like waterhemp when they're small is crucial, also.
Rough soils…. Highly suggest narrow rows. 7.5 or 15”. PLUS super effective pre-emergents because of canopy. In rougher soils…. Will shade out & keep moisture that would be lost to 30” rows. They yield better in every case Ive compared against 30”.

On high quality ground with really good organic matter (say the northern part of state) …. 15” vs 30” … probably see little to no difference & I’d be running 30” up there.

Agree 1000000% on killing when weeds small. Great pre cocktail keeps it so don’t have weeds for long time. When they start…. One spray usually does it. The amount of farmers that don’t hit the weeds when super small…. I’d guess it’s 60%++ of what I see.
Were your enlist beans treated? I planted untreated enlist beans last spring and the deer hammered them too much. It really limited my yield and the beans that did pod out, got hammered this fall.

I'm not sure. I only needed one bag and planted so I could rage on mares tale in that spot. Picked them up from MFA.
I drill at 180k

I been planting high populations or deer browse is bad , does seem to make a difference .. 140K not many beans I almost have to go 2 Bags to an acre. Planted Eagle few years back still had to increase population , Hammered them during summer. took for ever to dry down and pods very small .. warm winter but still had plenty of beans left in Spring . Still Green in middle of November..
Ok. Noob question. When yall give a population amount for planting, how does that equate to lbs per acre?

I have a 8’ conventional drill. I plan on planting at 7.5” rows to try and compete with browse pressure.
Most beans are bagged at 140,000 seeds per bag. You can just weigh a bag to see where you are at.

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