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Space Shuttle

150 Class

Well-Known Member
My wife took this photo of the Space Shuttle Columbia when it lifted off a couple of weeks ago while she and her sister were visiting her mother in Florida. While it is not the most spectacular picture, I was amazed at it since the shuttle lifted off about 100 miles from where she took the photo. As I am sure is the case with all of you, the end results of this mission have me choked up and speechless.


Yes let's keep the 7 astronauts families in our prayers.

What a beautiful picture!!

150 class can you send me a post on how to insert pictures in these posts.
Thank You and God Bless!!
we take the shuttle for granted anymore and forget how dangerous their missions are.

lets all pray for the families.
GOD bless them and their families.
Sure makes our little quibbles about nonresidents and deer hunting seem rather irrelavant:(
One should always remember how important everyday is and how fortunate we all are. Lord keep us safe and God bless the families of those who lost their loved ones. Watch over them in the coming days.
Indeed it shook up this country again.

But it brings us back to the reality that this is a frontier that we explore and experiment with and what those folks do they do because they feel very strongly that we can gain by it.

Just like trper does what he does because he see a value in it with the risks included.

We would have never crossed an ocean or a continant if we gave up on every ship or wagon that did not return.

Some of the greatness of this nation.

God Bless them and their families, and like Tom Brokaw said last night, hug your kids.
It is sad..especially the sense of loss the families are obviously feeling.

That said, what's notable to me is how happy the astronauts were in the pictures and video before and during the mission. In all of them they were laughing, smiling..truly enjoying every minute of what they were doing.
We all have to go sometime..and I can't think of a better way to go than to have something happen unexpectedly when you're doing something you love.

But that's life.
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