Sports Wash

Here is another link to the same sight that shows very convincingly the signifigance of getting the UV brighteners out of your clothing. I know this is old stuff to most of us but hopefully someone will take something useful away from this post.
I dont mean to start any arguements, but anyone else this think this is bogus? THat deer can see UV Brightner in our clothing.

I read alot of hunting magazines in a year and have never seen articals about it so call me skeptical.

Just want to know what other peoples thoughts are.

For the record, I also use this sports wash for all my hunting clothes.
The video is quite convincing! But you have the nagging feeling,,,they really want to help you in the woods,,ah,,or,,maybe really help you give them Money? I'd like to hear other opinions on this as well.
I am not really sold on the UV brighteners. Either one of two things are happening, either we do look like the blue men out there and deer aren't smart enough to put two and two together and know to run when they see it, or its all a bunch of BS. I have never used any kind of sports wash and never had a problem with deer spotting me. I have hunted anywhere from 6 to 30ft off the ground. I would think if it really was an issue I would get spotted left and right but its not the case. Who knows though.
Honestly, it looks like a pretty good buy for soap regardless. If shipping wasnt 7$ I'd probably try some.
Watch the big box stores at the end of the season, the most I've paid for big bottle of this stuff is $3 on clearance. I wash all my outdoor clothes w/ it.
Last year I started washing all of our clothes in this stuff. It works better and is cheaper per/load than Tide etc.