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Sprayer Recommendations


Active Member
Looking to buy a 25-40 gallon sprayer to throw in the back of the ranger. I’m leaning towards boomless. Anyone have any recommendations on what models to look at? I hear mixed reviews on Fimco. Would like to be under $700.
I have a 65 gal workhorse. Couple years old. I have a boomless reciever hitch and a 7 nozzle reciever hitch boom. Been good to me

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Ag spray, sprayer specialties are a couple. There are alot more I'm just personally familiar with them.
My backup utv sprayer is an Ag spray 60 gal. Also use it for more odd chems. This year I broke a part on it and couldn't even get their website to load. I rebuilt it differently and haven't checked again on their status.
Whatever u get… learn how to work on them …. It’s basic plumbing 101 & common sense. Have tons of extra valves, extra hoses, hose clamps, hose connectors, all parts including nozzles, strainers, hose adapters, wiring & even an extra pump around. Anything plastic… it’ll break.
When something goes wrong (& it will) it’s usually a screw driver & some parts to get it going in 5-10 mins if u prepared. Maybe $200 worth of extra parts (including a good pump) & u will be set to fix any issue so it doesn’t slow u down much.

Northcedar makes great point!!! Whatever brand u get…. Get universal cheap replacement parts. Make it work on the regular plumbing & spraying parts. Easy as pie. T-jet type stuff for nozzles. Any brand name part is easy to retrofit & turn into a generic spray part.
There is a 60 gallon model may be Fimco not sure alot of friends and clients have them and they are a lower profile and have the option of boomless they work ok. They work better with a seperate deep cycle battery than off the machines power source.I think that is in your price range new.
I went this year with a EnduraPlas it will be a lot more money but is a true Ag grade sprayer that will last a long time.
You really get what you pay for with this stuff. It stings, but you'll thank yourself years down the road.

I'm sure this is highly debatable but I'd consider something with a boom depending on the scale & type of spraying you're doing. A lot more precision, less drift, and it wont limit you to completely dead calm days like boomless does. Just my 2 cents
I have an ant spraying business down here in Georgia.

I have a 30 gallon tank that you can get from anywhere. Bought a 10’ boom from my local Agri-Supply.

Now, the pump. They all suck imo. I went to Northern Tool and bought 2 of their pumps. I think they’re 3.1gpm. They will ask you if you want to buy the extended warranty. YES you do. It adds 2 years to the 1 year warranty you get with the pump. The additional 2 years is like $15.00. It will break within that time but you bought 2 so you have a spare. Swap them out on your tank. Take the defect back and they will give you a new one. They will then ask if you want the warranty. $15.00 again. So you’re getting a new pump every couple of years for $15.00

Haven’t had to pay for a pump in 8 years or so.
And this setup puts out about 13 gallons an acre when I’m driving my Honda in 2nd gear. Can do a solid 2 acres with it. Very maneuverable. Prefer this to my 3 point sprayer on my tractor. I use a separate deep cycle battery.
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