Spring Break Fishin'

Waddell Wannabe

Quick Trigger
Well I just got back from my spring break fishin' trip with my family. Just thought I'd throw some pics out here for you guys to look at. During the course of the week I caught the biggest catfish (flathead, bluecat, or channel) that I've ever caught, as well as my biggest striper.
These first pictures are from our excursion on Lake Truman in southern Missouri. We caught 10 total in the day (which was pretty slow) and the big one was between 25 and 30 pounds.

We caught quite a few this size.

Here's the biggest one of the day.


Here's the whole family with the days catch.

From there we all drove down to Arkansas to fish Beaver Lake for stripers. The temperature dropped drastically the night before we went out so it was an extremely cold day, and the fishing was slow, but I still had a blast.



Anyway, even though the fishing was slow most of the time, I still had a good time! I've decided that I'm not going on another vacation if I don't get to hunt, fish, or golf. Hope you enjoyed the pics.
very nice!

I've been on Truman a few times! great cat'n down there!

YOU ROCK! I expect you to bring some filets over to my apartment later this week since I suck at fishing!

Good job man! Looks like it was a fun trip! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

Your mom is hot /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif