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Mine Mine Mine.... Where have I heard that before, oh yeah, from my daughter in Kindergarten... What is the big deal? Am I going to break your stand or wear it out? The things are made of metal, they will last longer than the tree will. Chances are they will get damaged by the woods long before wear and tear from people. If I bought and put up a tree stand on public ground, as long as it didn't get stolen, id be happy to have other people use it. If you're in it when I get there, get down, otherwise, feel free. Put your name and phone number on them so a guy can call you.

Tree stands may be left on a state public hunting
area from 7 days prior to the start of a deer season
until 7 days after the final day of that season.

From the DNR's Hunting Regulations. If we want to talk about Ethics, those people who erected those stands will certainly have taken them down according to the LAW correct? A tree stand on public property is a quite a bit different than my car parked in the parking lot.
I disagree. I think that a person who hunts public ground, that has scouted the ground and taken the time to hang a stand, shouldn't have to worry about walking in and having someone sitting in their stand. There should be some common courtesy between hunters that hunt on public ground. If I had put a stand up and walked to it and found someone sitting in it I would be a little upset. Just because the stand is on public ground doesn't mean that it is public property. There should be should be some common courtesy and respect between fellow hunters.
gersdorf said:
I disagree. I think that a person who hunts public ground, that has scouted the ground and taken the time to hang a stand, shouldn't have to worry about walking in and having someone sitting in their stand. There should be some common courtesy between hunters that hunt on public ground. If I had put a stand up and walked to it and found someone sitting in it I would be a little upset. Just because the stand is on public ground doesn't mean that it is public property. There should be should be some common courtesy and respect between fellow hunters.

I couldn't agree more.

Greg you are right it is mine.
I saved for it, bought it and put it up on my time.
Public does not mean that the public is welcome to everything of mine. Including a complete stranger.

Ethics go along way in the woods also.
This whole thread is the reason I am tickled to death with my Lone Wolf stand. Carry it in, hunt, and then carry it out. You don't have to worry about it getting stolen or someone else sitting in it. If a tree stand has suddenly appeared in the tree you want, pick another tree. :cool:
....and you don't advertise your spot from a distance. Unless I'm coming back in the morning to hunt it, I'll never leave a stand up on public ground anymore. It's a piece of mind and a better hunting tactic on public. More than a few times I've watched deer on public look up at old perminant stands. I really believe hang and hunt is your best option for bowhunting pressured deer anyhow.
This problem goes a bit further! Whether I would sit or not isn't the point.
Here is the reason I no longer hunt he big marsh for ducks! That place has turned into a arguement war zone. If one guy goes out early and sets up a huge spread and someone sits downwind 150 yards or so and pass shoots, he is an ass, but is legal! But if he sets up a big spread as well and feels ducks are working him, is he still an ass?

So I guess the same applies to the woods! If someone scouts and sets up a stand, do they lay claim to the surrounding "x" amount of acres? It is public land. Now while I do agree that sitting in there stand is a little over the top is it wrong to set another stand near by? has he laid claim to public land? Either way, the other hunter is going to be all over the area! I guess I feel if someone sets up a stand in a good location that they don't own the location, so unfortunately the area is fair game! That is the downfall of public!

I am sure I will get burned for this, but Greg isn't wrong. He is legal. I know that the point of this poll is ethics verse law, but what is ethical? Is it ethically to put a stand up 10 yards away? 50 Yards? 100 yards? In the same county?

P.S. this is why I don't hunt public! Wait, people with no ethics trespass on my Private land too!!!!!! HMMMMMMMM
its not a matter of legal, or right or wrong
its ethics.....

it is unetical to sit in another's stand without permission.

like Randy said, Rock on Lone Wolf!!
Doubleaarchery said:
He is legal.

I guess I am up in the air if it is legal or not. Just because it is on public land does not make it their property? The land is everyone's though.
Can the other hunter take it then?

Hopefully I do not find anyone in my stands.

Like JNRBRNC said thank goodness for L.W. and sticks.
Wow, this thread is such a shocker. I don't want to be an un-ethical hunter. From now on, I will no longer sit in any stands on public ground. Thank you for teaching me yet another lesson about the generosity of man.
risto2351 said:
Doubleaarchery said:
He is legal.

I guess I am up in the air if it is legal or not. Just because it is on public land does not make it their property? The land is everyone's though.
Can the other hunter take it then?

Hopefully I do not find anyone in my stands.

Like JNRBRNC said thank goodness for L.W. and sticks.

I think, technically the way it is written, he would be legal. And to my understanding,correct me if I am wrong, (I am sure many will) but 7 days after season closes, it would be fair game to take! Now that is the way I understand the law, I WOULD NEVER do that, but that is how I read it.

THA4, I agree 100% it comes to ethics, but where is the line, when youngsters are thought "hunting ethics" how far should they hunt from someone else's setup? I bet there are a lot of different opinions on that! I know people who could care less and people who think if their stand is there, that no one should be on that entire section!
GregBickal said:
Am I going to break your stand or wear it out? A tree stand on public property is a quite a bit different than my car parked in the parking lot.

I'm not sure why? I wont wear your car out either. Would it be ok if I checked your trail cam for you too?
GregBickal said:
Wow, this thread is such a shocker. I don't want to be an un-ethical hunter. From now on, I will no longer sit in any stands on public ground. Thank you for teaching me yet another lesson about the generosity of man.

There is a lot of generosity on this site helping other hunters out! I hunt a lot of public ground and have spent a lot years and time patterning deer on public land. There just are certain man laws you don't break when it comes to hunting. (even if the book says it's legal.) I will even go a step further. When i'm hunting any public land for deer, i will walk 200 yards around my stand to see i anybody else is hunting the area. If i see a tree stand i won't hunt the area until i talk to the person hunting that stand. This works great,as you know what the other people in the area are driving and can hunt other stands when they are in the area. :grin: There are a lot of great people out there and a few bad apples! Don't be the bad apple! :grin:
I looked for legalality on this topic from the day it started on other sight.All ground blinds constructed on public land are first come first serve.There is nothing about tree stands.Probablly because they are private property,unlike ground blinds that must be made out of natural structure if left on site.So the same guy who would sit your tree stand would use your traps as well if you were not there.If your dog gets loose on public land and starts pointing for me,do you have to ask me if you can have him back?
jlclaws1 said:

Id take it a step farther to avoid problems and make your hunting experience, and odds better not only should you not hunt in someone elses stand but if you know someone is still hunting it and its just not been left for a few years take the inititive to find your own spot away from where that person is hunting. Yes I know it is public ground and you can LEGALLY hunt wherever you want but if your in someones back pocket your not only screwing yourself and lessoning your chances at a shot at a shooter but now your lessoning the other persons odds as well the person who took the intitive to find theirselves a spot away from everyone else and scout the area and hang a stand. I do my best to make sure there is nobody within roughly 500yds of an area before hunting it and I know there are people out there that will hunt my stands or setup within a 100yds and think its perfectly ok well Im telling you ITS NOT. Im glad I have never had the disfortune to find someone in one of my setups even though I know it happens because I hate to admit it but it could get ugly. In order to be an ethical hunter you need to respect other hunters boundries, and if you couldnt already tell I dont take to kindly to disrespect. Besides if your hunting someone elses stand or next to it you dont know if they might have hunted it all day the previous day or if theyve been hunting it with a bad wind and educating the deer or if they have been leaving the place alone for just the right timing and now youve gone in and blown it for them, or maybe they just made a bad shot and were letting a deer go and now you just came into there setup bumped there deer and ruined there season. You have no idea what kinda pressure that stand has had and if you decide to hunt it now neither does the guy that hung the stand for himself Nor do you probabaly know the entrance and exit route that works best for the set up or wether to hunt it in the am or pm, or what wind to hunt the stand. There are a lot of scenarios I can go on forever and there are a lot of variables that should be taken into hunting a stand and if you dont know them do yourself and every other hunter in the woods a favor and FIND YOUR OWN little neck of the woods to hunt, dont rely on someone elses hard work and time spent.
This is where my question lies. Above we have two statements, one saying the it is unethical to hunt within 200 yards, of someones stand, and one saying that it should be at least 500 yards, and that 100 yards is not even close to enough. So where what is the ethically distance to place a stand if someone else is hunting an area?

Please understand, I am not trying to argue, but I think this is a great topic if it stays civil! I think it is important to see what each of us believes, and what we are teaching the future hunters!
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