Stabilizer ?


I'm looking at getting a new stabilizer. I'm currently living in the dark ages with a Saunders Torque Tamer. Any opinions/tips would be appreciated. Thanks.
i shoot a trophy ridge type stabilizer. it works great. i also use a small cobra rubber extension that is only a inch long and weighs nothing but it helps quiet things down. shockblocker stabilizers are very good for the price and so are doinkers. i'd suggest a doinker cuz of all stabilizers i've seen they seem to work the best all around.
There are a ton out there nowdays. I like the ones that have rubber that absorbes shock like the donker, sims, and trophy ridge. I have the hoyt stabilizers on both my bows, both equipt with the donker tips and they seem to help.
I shot a nap shockblocker last year, and am currently shooting a trophy ridge sorbodome extender. Very happay with it.
Thanks for the advice. All I have to do now is to go to Scheels in a week or so.
On my Patriot I use a Doinker D2 in front of a single Sims module, with a single module on the inside also.

On my FX I use a Sims Enhancer 2000 with a Doinker "chubby" in front.

Sims and Doinker stabilizers are both good choices.