Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Stand selection


New Member
I'm torn between spots for the morning hunt. I don't get to hunt much right now because we farm a lot of land so I put in a lot of hours and only hunt when it rains. I don't no if I should hunt over a cut bean field or in a thick timber? Suggestions would help.
If you on sitting all day or at least quite a few hours, then I would vote timber. Hard to tell without any other info.
I will be hunting in southwest Iowa.
U close to the atlantic or griswold area. Seen a lot of them on field edges. Killed mine yester day in a forked creek/ deep covered ditch that is basically a overgrown fencerow. Its a funnel to open fields to the north, west, east, with a giant timber to the south. I would find a fence row from the timber to the field. Plan b is always timber though. Does will bed there.
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