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Started a new plot


Active Member
This year a couple of us guys were able to put a food plot in. An uncle of a friend gave us a acre to do it with and with not getting any rain since we planted it until this weekend. The lambsquarter took over. What should we do so that hopefully the plot will come through. Do we start over or mow down the lambsquarter. Let me know what would be a good solution.
What's in your plot? You can clip the weeds off for starters...whatever happens try not to let that stuff go to seed

Amazing how weeds can survive anything
Bio-logic Maximum.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just a thought but...baby brassicas look an awful lot like weeds. I suspect you do have weeds joining in the fray, but your brassicas may very well be coming up also. I'd sure like to see some close up pics to tell for sure.
Either way, you can clip the top of the weeds to give the brassicas some light and lesson the competition for moisture.
If it ends up there is nothing growing, you can always do a new plot in August...assuming we get some rain
If you were sure the seed hadnt germinated yet you could nuke the weeds with roundup, shouldnt hurt the seed any as long as it hasnt broke through the soil yet. But, I would guess that if the weeds germinated, so has your plot seed.
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