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Staying positive

November is less than a week away, that should be enough positive renforcement for me :D:D. Keep plugging away, you can't kill a deer from the couch so you might as well get out there.
Hang in there man...I have sat 3 times and haven't seen a deer yet either. I have plenty of sign where my treestands are located. That magical time of the year is coming!
my problem is maybe you jumping stands to much, just because you dont see deer one night doesnt mean you wont the next nite. you may just be in the wrong stand at the wrong time, imo opinion you can have to many stands, i use to do the same thing and i almost always came back to bit me, go down to acouple stands and give them a chance, I guess i should ask to you have cams up on each stand site?
my problem is maybe you jumping stands to much ....... I guess i should ask to you have cams up on each stand site?

i only have 6 stands between 2 properties and only jumping stands depending on wind direction.

I have cameras out, but not at stand sites. At least 100 yards from any of my stands. Only had them up for about 3 weeks on my best property and all summer on the other one.
Try changing up the time period that you are on stand. This is the perfect time to be sitting late mornings. The bucks are chasing does some when they are on their feet, but are starting to run their scrapes more during daylight. In my experience this is usually late mornings until the rut kicks in.
One way I stay positive is that it doesn't take seeing 20 deer a night to make your hunt. I have seen 8 bucks from stand and many does as well, but that night they were all basket racks or young deer. On the other hand I have been out and only seen one deer, and that just happened to be the caliber of deer I was looking for. The best is right around the corner
Yes, this season has been a little frustrating up 'til this point. I haven't seen much any of the four times I've been out this month either. Heck, I was supposed to be on vacation this entire week but decided to take my days back (luckily I was able to) due to the weather and lack of movement. That's life and that's hunting. It would be easy for me to get down over that alone but I'm as pumped as ever knowing what's ahead.

November is right around the corner and the best is yet to come. It's easy to get burned out early if you're not careful. But stay positive knowing that things can turn around in a heartbeat over the next several weeks. You wait all year for this four-week stretch, don't beat yourself up.

I think this weekend i might try and get some crappie fishing in. Forget about hunting for a couple weeks.

My only problem is i am working part time for a farmers coop and the anhydrous season wil be rockin for the next 3 to 4 weeks. I may not even be able to hunt until it's over. Maybe i'm worried about that and just trying to get as much time in the stand in before that happens?
I agree with gundog, this weekend will be rockin. They are gonna be couped up with the winds, and after it breaks with a hard coldfront the deer will be on their feet with the rut right around the corner. I'm thinking some big boys fall this weekend.
I think this weekend i might try and get some crappie fishing in. Forget about hunting for a couple weeks.

Do not - and I repeat, DO NOT - forget about hunting for a couple weeks. That would be the biggest mistake you could make if you want to get a chance at a dandy, in my humble opinion. As for this weekend, skip the crappies and get in your stand.

With temps as warm as they have been and the full moon one cannot really expect to
see much.

It will happen but you need to be there and be patient.

Good luck.
No worries friend nobody has seen much yet. I have been out 3 times and have watched 2 does and 2 buttons. The only decent deer I have seen snuck by me while I was checking out the does under my stand and by the time I caught him out of the corner of my eye he was back into the brush. I think I has been frustrating for all of us that have gone out early but hopefully with the cold moving in and November bearing down we should see some good action. It's all part of the hunt I guess, just try to enjoy the peace and quiet when your not seeing anything.
i lost my hunting spot 1 week before the season . now sitting in a farmers junk yard . ideal ? no , but at least im out . who knows might be a big boy cruising through. deer movement has sucked , but should be now picking up. good luck shoot a big one.
Your post reminds me of something my dad told me once...He said "Son you're willing to charge hell with a water pistol, you have to admire that in a man, but I also notice that sometimes you're out of water before you get to the fire." To even consider crappie fishing this weekend means you either REALLY like crappie fishing, or it means you used up all your water before you got to the fire. My advice would be to give the bowhunting a whirl for the next two and a half weeks and if you haven't got a deer by then, try crappie fishing the 3rd week of Nov., and then give the deer stand a couple days try the week of Thanksgiving.
Don't give up before it even gets good. The best is yet to come. You've made it to third base, don't stop now.
I have sat through early bow, and muzzleloader season and never saw an antler. I also know, having been on this ride plenty of times, that about right now is when things get magical. Weird how all the bucks suddenly "appear", but they do. Keep after it.
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