Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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Went to check the straps on my stands and hang some cameras. It's always nice to get to the tree and find your stand is gone. Two stands this time....had my blind stolen last year. Sucks because I don't live close the ground so can't keep an eye on it. Have it narrowed down though as everything that has been stolen has been from the north side of the property. Everything else has been untouched....knock on wood. Just such a downer. I can see getting something ripped off in the city, but this is the country....suppose to be better people there.
Start locking your stands down with lock and chain. Won't keep them from messing your stand up, but it'll keep them from getting the goods unless they want to cut the whole tree down.
Sauer if you would put a pic of yourself on your stands, no one would touch them They'd sh!t themselves if they ever got caught
stuff like that is really bad here in Western, ky. Thats why i mostly use my climber. It sucks packing a climbing stand in during early bow season when it's hot out but beats gettin it stolen. People don't have any respect for other peoples stuff. Karma always strikes back though. They will get whats coming to them. I hope you find who the no good waste of space a$$holes are.
Doesn't matter how close you are to where you hunt or how often you are there. They will still come in and steal your stuff. I live 3 miles from the farm i hunted last year. I was there almost daily through season. But two mornings i walked into the stand i wanted to hunt that morning only to find a bare tree. Nothing pisses me off more than a theif.
I have found that the majority of my stuff that comes up missing is either on a field edge or a logging road. I was stubborn and kept hanging stands in these areas and they keep getting swiped. I guess i have to use a climber in these areas now.
Yeah, I have a climber and hang-on with sticks. Guess I will have to use those for this area. Just depresses a guy. I would love to find out who did it.
Not to paint with a broad brush but... coon hunters trespassing is what got me in the past.
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