Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


Nice gesture.
Thanks for thinking of others.

Spring flood of 97, I could not even get to work for 2 weeks.
I needed $$ bad but no way to get to the job site.
Instead, I drove MANY miles helping compete strangers sand bagging thier homes.
Did this for days and as many hours as it took to do it.

The gratitude those people shown was one of sincere thanks.
Couple times, I'd be out cruising and seeing a small family doing the impossible. I would not even ask, park my truck, and get to work.
Then another and another and another would stop and dive in.
Few even introduced them selves. It was balls to the walls of just helping others when minutes could be critical.

That was almost 30 years ago and a MAJOR pivotal time that changed my whole outlook on life.

It's not only an amazing feeling what " you do" but how as complete strangers, how much can be done when we all join in.
Nice gesture.
Thanks for thinking of others.

Spring flood of 97, I could not even get to work for 2 weeks.
I needed $$ bad but no way to get to the job site.
Instead, I drove MANY miles helping compete strangers sand bagging thier homes.
Did this for days and as many hours as it took to do it.

The gratitude those people shown was one of sincere thanks.
Couple times, I'd be out cruising and seeing a small family doing the impossible. I would not even ask, park my truck, and get to work.
Then another and another and another would stop and dive in.
Few even introduced them selves. It was balls to the walls of just helping others when minutes could be critical.

That was almost 30 years ago and a MAJOR pivotal time that changed my whole outlook on life.

It's not only an amazing feeling what " you do" but how as complete strangers, how much can be done when we all join in.
I’ve worked for a utility for the last 20 years- I’ve been in my share of storm cleanup. I’ve helped storm clean up as long as I can remember- my grandpa was one who would always help others before himself, and I guess it rubbed off a bit. I don’t mind the work, and I’d wish that devastation on no one. When you sit and help cleanup efforts (hate the people who just drive around and take pictures) you realize what’s important and actually matters. Some people lose everything and are still grateful- it’s just an eye opener.
Friends in greenfield got wiped out. I don’t think fatalities - maybe 1 statewide??? All I had…. Blew my fence down. Just walking in from cementing in new posts.
Appreciate this newfarmer. Luckily the tornado up here missed me by a mile and the parents by a mile. Few people we know not so lucky. On the positive everyone up this way seems to be fine.

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Drought/ bad winters can be devastating for sure.
Tornadoes/ floods/ hurricanes can devastate an area for years.

One thing odd I see, ( news), 【 puke】, is the days leading up too and the day of 2 after a horrible event, it's being aired constantly.
2 days after, nary a peep.
Was anyone here affected by the storms? Anyone need help? I spent the day cleaning up at my moms and grandpas, minimal stuff compared to some places. Saws and tractor are ready!
That's awesome of you to offer. We got wiped out in 2011 by a derecho and one of my dad's buddies from 40 miles away showed up with an excavator and was there over a week. He wouldn't take any money. Heck, he wouldn't even fill up with fuel out of our barrels. These pictures are where 3 buildings were before the storm.0711110630.jpg0711110630a.jpg
Had the skid/grapple lined up to help but they arnt taking individual volunteers yet. My wife and team set up a temp ER in the hardware store the night of after hospital got hit. The boots on the ground images are truly heartbreaking

Sure adds some perspective to bickering going on elsewhere
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