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Stuck at Work

You are right,family comes first.My oldest son plays on two baseball teams from april through sept.I havent spring turkey hunted in the last five years,but I would miss his activities for the world.Only put 500 miles on the bike this summer.Six years ago my wife was pregnant with our youngest son.I would try to get out couple of hours each weekend.On nov.11th I shot a 11pt.P&Y class deer,and my son was born on the 17th.So even if do not have time to put in a whole week of hunting,take whatever time you have and you may be in the right place at the right time.The nice thing about the rut that can happen at anytime your in the woods!
If it weren't for this sight I might actually work while at work.
90 minutes until vacation starts. I should leave now, as all I'm doing is checking IowaWhitetail every two minutes!
Right behind you JNR,start my vaca.in 60 min.or earlier.With it being warm tomorrow I thought about getting the harley out but will be in the stand more likely.A slow day in the stand is better then a good day at work!!
While I claim Iowa as my home state I now reside in Colorado. I did draw this year but the unfortunate thing is my wife was called out of town for work this week. Wish she could get the annual rut dates down.

I will be dropping the boys off at school Thursday morning and heading east on I-80. First all day sit on Friday.

Iowawhitetail has certainly helped me cope along with playing with my kids "Hunter Dan" toys. That's another story.
Weather is suppose to turn colder this weekend so that should help for those starting their vacations this week.
I will be off at 6:00 and hunting the rest of the week/weekend! Can't wait to get back into the tree!
I'm taking off Friday (last day of early bow season before rifle season opens), then Thurs and Fri of next week during rifle season. Hopefully a plan will come together between the vacation days and the weekend days in the stand.
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