Well-Known Member
You are right,family comes first.My oldest son plays on two baseball teams from april through sept.I havent spring turkey hunted in the last five years,but I would miss his activities for the world.Only put 500 miles on the bike this summer.Six years ago my wife was pregnant with our youngest son.I would try to get out couple of hours each weekend.On nov.11th I shot a 11pt.P&Y class deer,and my son was born on the 17th.So even if do not have time to put in a whole week of hunting,take whatever time you have and you may be in the right place at the right time.The nice thing about the rut that can happen at anytime your in the woods!
You are right,family comes first.My oldest son plays on two baseball teams from april through sept.I havent spring turkey hunted in the last five years,but I would miss his activities for the world.Only put 500 miles on the bike this summer.Six years ago my wife was pregnant with our youngest son.I would try to get out couple of hours each weekend.On nov.11th I shot a 11pt.P&Y class deer,and my son was born on the 17th.So even if do not have time to put in a whole week of hunting,take whatever time you have and you may be in the right place at the right time.The nice thing about the rut that can happen at anytime your in the woods!