Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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All fall I carried around my lone doe tag and made excuses not to fill it. It's too warm out, I don't feel like hanging one, I won't have an excuse to go out anymore and so on. Now it is -13 Fahrenheit and dropping. Our season ends tomorrow and the temp now is the high for tomorrow. I don't mind sitting out in the cold trying to fill a buck tag but I'm not sure how antsy I am to sit out there tomorrow morning to try and get a doe.
I feel your pain man! My only difference was that I had an any sex tag and a doe tag. I filled my buck tag 2 weeks ago. The only problem is that i made excuses all season why not to shoot a doe, might ruin rut, I'll have plenty of time, etc. Today is the last day of Bow Season and I'll be eatin a "buck and tag" sandwich....at least there's some meat on it!!!
It should only take about 5 minutes to fill a doe tag with those temps
wait till 30 minutes before dark, take a nice walk with the smokepole, walk up to the alfalfa field and shoot one
Just givin yah crap, Id be out there
Not me...I had 3 archery doe tags and filled 'em all. Two during the same sit

Now 3 more doe tags and an any sex tag to fill with the muzzleloader. I just like shootin' things
It should only take about 5 minutes to fill a doe tag with those temps

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe there Liv. Right now they're rare as hen's teeth.
Everything is holed up in the big timber. I may get lucky with one of them coming to the food before dark but chances are 50/50 at best. 7 weeks worth of gun season for moose and then deer have made them more than nocturnal.
ok, this maybe a stupid question that is WAY off topic, but i must ask since I'm an engineer and kinda nerdy.

How much darn insulation do ya'll put in your walls and attics for temperatures that cold. Heck here down south your doing good with one roll in the attic or maybe 12" of blown insulation.
It should only take about 5 minutes to fill a doe tag with those temps
wait till 30 minutes before dark, take a nice walk with the smokepole, walk up to the alfalfa field and shoot one
Just givin yah crap, Id be out there

[/ QUOTE ] That's just because you like killin things Liv.
You going to be down at Tracy's tomorrow?
I made up a few excuses myself and I still killed 6 does so far this year with my bow and my buck. I dont like to shoot does From the last week of October on through November. During thanks giving weekend I shot a coyote and 2 does Thanksgiving morning and then another doe on Saturday. I could have shot one more on Thanksgiving morning but I ran out of arrows!
Dont be afraid just shoot them!!!

Did you shoot all the does and buck around Oxford, or do you hunt elsewhere. Also, did I miss a story and pictures from the buck?
Just to play devil's advocate, why would it be any colder sitting to fill a doe tag than a buck if you mainly want meat for the freezer? That seems to be part of our joint mental problem thinking we can do almost anything to harvest a buck but that a doe is some how less important or fullfilling. We need to look at it as filling a deer tag and not a buck or doe tag.

Also wasn't that Thanksgiving season just for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday?
I shot 3 of the does around Oxford. I also hunt South of Riverside and that is where I shot the buck and 2 other does. Shot a doe in keokuk county also. I didnt tell a story or post pics because I am to embarrased to talk about it. Lets just say this buck had a severe case of ground shrinkage. I was mad when I walked up to it and relized he wasnt as big as I thought. I passed on some bucks that were alot bigger than he is.
oh well I have late muzzel loader to look forward to now.
Hey was that you shooting your shotgun yesterday across from Jiras's? I thought about stopping but I went out to try and shoot another doe and didnt want to bother you.
Just to play devil's advocate, why would it be any colder sitting to fill a doe tag than a buck if you mainly want meat for the freezer? That seems to be part of our joint mental problem thinking we can do almost anything to harvest a buck but that a doe is some how less important or fullfilling. We need to look at it as filling a deer tag and not a buck or doe tag.

Also wasn't that Thanksgiving season just for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday?

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I'm assuming that you think I', in Iowa b/c of the thanksgiving season comment, I'm a long ways from there. As for your cold comment, have you ever sat in temps that cold seriously, how cold does it get there?? Yes I will be tempted to sit longer if I'm looking for a big buck than a foe, so shoot me!! By the way I did get that doe I was after yesterday morning.

Yes, that was me last friday shooting at my grandpa's place. Trying to get it ready for the big gun hunt. Next time feel free to stop by I'd like to meet you. Maybe we could get together sometime and do some shed hunting or late season doe hunting.

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