Thanks for the kind words everyone, the excitement has yet to wear off.
Goes to show that you never know what may walk by in Iowa during the rut!
Mountain Man - I didn't get any big ones on film this year, but still trying.
ISHEDHUNT - I haven't measured his neck yet but I will let you know. How's your hunting going?
G6/Saskguy - I had him rough scored by three different people. We all under guessed him but he grossed 158+. I think because he has such a huge head and neck it appears the rack is smaller than it actually is.
He has 25 1/2' main beams, 71/2+ inch brows, 11" & 12" G2's, 8" & 9" inch G3's, 18 7/8 spread and good mass.
Shooter - Haven't weighed him and I'm not sure if I will. I would have to say he weighs around 210+. I will let you know if I do weigh him though.
Buckhunter - I didn't cut a single shooting lane, in fact he walked in one of the only lanes I did have, luckily.
Greendeem - I too used a Lone Wolf tree stand and climbing sticks . . . they are absolutely the best!
I hope you each shoot a monster this year.
Thanks and good huntin,