Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Successful Stalk!!!!!

Great job Dawson, that is a hunt he will remember forever! I still fondly remember a stalk I did once on a doe about 15 years ago, that hunt is more memorable than many, many others sitting in a tree. That's a real, meaningful accomplishment that he can internalize and know that HE did it, I think you have a hunting partner for life right there!
I wish I had some of that "making things happen" attitude. Good job on the stalk.....and the shot.
Outstanding! Where did he learn to take off his shoes? I saw a guy do it on vs. one time and thought it was an amazing idea that I likely wouldn't have thought of.

atta boy.........dont forget to thank dad.....its nice to help provide food for the family......give thx to the deer gods too!

Dawson hunting from the ground and harvesting a deer is an accomplishment. You should be proud of yourself, Congrats. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

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Man what a great job Dawson!!!! That has to be one of the best stories I've read in along time!!! Congrats to dad also!!!
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