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sum up your year

Another learning year for me, bow wise. I did get a button buck, only cause I thougt it was a doe. Got a doe during shotgun season. My shot gun season was shortened by other commitments and late bow season (after shotgun) was too busy.

Anyway, with all the good info you folks are willing to share I'll keep learning and maybe someday.......

The 'Bonker
It was another fun year in the treestand for me. I shot two does during bow season, and missed a big 8 broadside at 20 yards, couldn't believe it but those things happen. I saw a lot of real nice bucks this year. During the late muzzleloader season we fought through some tough weather, my dad shot his second biggest buck ever a real nice 9 with 8in G1's I didn't shoot a deer with my muzzleloader but had a great time and saw two giant bucks that I had never seen before. I'm ready for next year right now.
I had an awesome year!! I harvested a great 8pt with my bow which grossed 140", then I harvested my first muzzleloader deer which was a 180" gross 11pt., then I harvested a 170" gross score mainframe 10pt with 20 scoreable points. I also was able to harvest two mature does with my bow and two with my muzzleloader during late season. What a season!! I can't speak enough about how letting those little ones grow enhances your hunting experience!! Later, T$
I had an alright year, bow season was a little slow this year due to not enough time in the field and doing the studying thing in college. I took a small 8 pointer with my bow, and seen some good ones just not close enough. I shot four does with my muzzleloader and during late muzzleloader saw 31 bucks with 20 over pope and young but the 150+ bucks knew to stay out of range, oh well there is always next year, and good luck to all of you next year!!
The archery season was a challenge to get out there. After having a baby girl in August and having a few problems that we had to seek the doctors in Iowa City for I had a few things on my mind and little time to get out.I shot the first P&Y I saw scoring in at 127 inches. After a few more doctors appts. and the problem solved I hunted hard with a camcorder and rattled for a friend.On November 1 I rattled 7 deer to my buddy at one point all were within 80 yards of each other. One good battle took place when they saw one another. Only 1 deer offered a shot a 100 inch 10 pointer since we have a P&Y limit on that ground he was allowed to go. Then later in November I filmed 2 huge booners in the same day.
Shotgun season went good for the group not so much for me we killed a 190 class 25 pointer a 160 class 8 pointer and 2 140 class 8 pointers we let several 130 class deer go. And 2 guys missed 2 deer that are well into the 160 class Oh well save for bowhunting.
I'm new to the site so if I ever figure out how to post pictures I will.
I had one of my best years to date. I harvested a 140 inch 10pt with the bow on our place here at Buck Creek. Also took two does for the team. Taking does is making a big difference, we are starting to see big antlers and the Camtrakker is proving it! Time to hunt them sheds!
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