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Summer Conditioning


Well-Known Member
Do any of you do anything other than 3D shoot for summer conditioning? Tonite I started some strength exercises where I'd hold my bow back for "30 mississippies" before I'd aim and release. Did this 5 times at 30 yards and 5 times at 20 yards. Then stood a few yards from the target and fired 10 arrows at the target with my eyes shut, simply concentrating on the release and follow through.

Any other tips to stay in shape?
barely able to pull my bow back.

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I hear that.
I started lifting again.

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I lift on a regular schedule. 12ozs at a time; on average about 10-15 per conatiner; several conatiners per night usually.

Really, I try to hold my bow for 15seconds per shot on the the first 5 arrows at each yardage. Then when Im almost done shooting I try to hold serveral arrows for 15-20seconds for 5 or 10 arrows.

Drew a New Mexico Elk Tag and I just started walking/logging 3 miles a night last week again.

I will need to loose about 10 pounds in 8 weeks to be ready for 10,000 foot peaks.

I will let you know after Sept 15th if I should have did more but its what I can fit into my schedule at this time.

For the time being all frosted beverages are on limited consumption until my 6*6 is laying on the timber covered mountainside.
Rather than running Benny you might try walking longer distances and in as hilly of an area as you can find. Try a weighted backpack as well.

Not trying to kill you, just help.

Side note, I took a month off of lifting/running, just started up last week. 3 miles 4 times a week and try to lift a few times as well... intentions that usually don't work out as well as I hoped.
Other than 3D, I simply like to shoot more and more arrows at longer and longer distances and at more weight. Longer distance shooting makes you a better shot and make the shorter shots seem simple. More poundage is for toning the right muscles. As the season starts, I shoot less due to less time. I shoot less poundage and will lower it at the start of season and usually once later on towards the end of the season.

Some of my other conditioning is not necessarily conditioning of the body as much as practice and conditioning for the mind. I like to shoot in low light conditions. You must practice shooting uphill and downhill (treestand!). Shoot from awkward positions such as sitting, slightly twisted, stooped or squatting. Shoot in the wind and shoot in the rain. Figure out a way to hold the bow at full draw for a very long time on the buck that stops out of your shooting lane or just out of range (I have one decent technique). Sorry, might not be what you were after but that is what conditioning is to me.
I quit practicing at anything closer than 50 yards, it makes shooting anything else easy. Been doing alot of running lately to keep in shape also.
I'm always in prime condition so no extra work needed
That is if prime means overweight and smoking 2 packs a day.

I shoot at every rabbit and squirrel I see in the yard and I try to reel in as many bigguns as humanly possible. How's that for a training regiment?
I like to shoot the longer distances right now for conditioning. Hold longer and let down. Pull back hold and shoot.

I also practice ranging distances and have a range finder to check myself.
I lifted about 18 busch lights last night and I'm on about number 4 today

Happy 4th fella's!!!!

I also know Benny will mostly work at lifting 12 ouncers the next month!!
Shoot, shoot and shoot some more. I like to do a little running, some light weight lifting also.

And like DOR, I like to give my liver a good workout now and then to.
I started lifting again.

As fall gets closer I do more shoulder/back workouts where I "hold the lift" for longer time.
Danno's training for the Iowa Games--sprints and long jump. When that's over I'll concentrate more on aerobic conditioning (running and hiking) to get ready to chase some elk. I used to be able to lift 12 oz. at a time and stay in shape, but us old guys need to work at it all year round.
I lift every monday, wednesday, and friday!! Although its for football... It still helps with the bow! I also go to speed clinic on occasion... the school always expects u to wake up so dang early in the summer for their programs... psh! haha but thats how i stay in shape!
Would you rather do wind springs at 1 or 2 in the afternoon when the heat is maxed out?

When I was training for the marathon I absolutely HATED getting up at 0500 and then go run 10-16 miles, so I hear where you're coming from.

When I was training for the marathon I absolutely HATED getting up at 0500 and then go run 10-16 miles

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OK, now you're just bragging.

Bragging would be saying I actually made it to the marathon.

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I think i would like it in the afternoon when the heat is maxed out tho to be honest!

I could lose a few pounds! :p
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