Other than 3D, I simply like to shoot more and more arrows at longer and longer distances and at more weight. Longer distance shooting makes you a better shot and make the shorter shots seem simple. More poundage is for toning the right muscles. As the season starts, I shoot less due to less time. I shoot less poundage and will lower it at the start of season and usually once later on towards the end of the season.
Some of my other conditioning is not necessarily conditioning of the body as much as practice and conditioning for the mind. I like to shoot in low light conditions. You must practice shooting uphill and downhill (treestand!). Shoot from awkward positions such as sitting, slightly twisted, stooped or squatting. Shoot in the wind and shoot in the rain. Figure out a way to hold the bow at full draw for a very long time on the buck that stops out of your shooting lane or just out of range (I have one decent technique). Sorry, might not be what you were after but that is what conditioning is to me.