Summit Trophy Chair


New Member
Anybody have one? I'm looking to upgrade my current seat in my permanent stand and this looks to be the most comfy. The back rest looks especially nice.
I spent the entire season last year sitting on a 3.5 gallon plastic bucket in the tree. This has to be easier on the back, knees, hips, neck, and butt.

It's awesome, in case anybody looked at this post and was wondering the same thing I was.
No offense, but that is frickin' hilarious. I've seen lots of different types of people sit on many different types of seats up in a tree, but I've never heard of anyone actually carrying the bucket up there with them to sit on. I hope you find something a little more comfortable this year. Good luck with it.


I got a lot of crap for the bucket seat. If I wasn't so tall it would have been great...but it got to be like sitting on a short toilet. My legs would go to sleep!!! I toenailed the rim of that bucket to my stand with 3 16 penny nails and just took one of those round heater seats with me every time I waked in from the truck.
It really didn't work too bad. There was just enough play/movement in the unit to stick my rattlin' antlers and grunt call under it when I left the stand each time.
I'll take a picture before I take it down!!!